Police for those who need it

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Bianca and Rafael did not look at each other, Guilherme soon noticed a bad and heavy climate in the room, realizes that it seemed that Rafael's eyes were full of hatred, until Rafael's mother enters the room and realizes that bad weather

- What are you doing here? Should not they be in school?

- We should even, but today the school is closed, I do not know why, I called Guilherme to come here

- Daniel is missing.

- He'll be here soon, he's going to talk to the principal to find out what happened to close the school today.

- Have you called your aunt about Guilherme?

- No, I'll call you as soon as I know the reason - Guilherme speaks

Daniel appears running at the door, he runs to the table and sits down with the boys

- Did you find out anything? - Guilherme asks curious

- Yes, it seems that the school was stolen, the police will come knock from door to door of each student who does not live in the lodge to know if they know the suspect, they have evidence - Daniel speaks recovering his breath

- I do not think you're going to fix it. - Rafael comments and drinks his tea.

They hear someone knock on the door, it could be the police or another visit, but they were not waiting for anyone, so it sure was the police

- Bianca, come to me, please.

Bianca walks to the door and sees a dark, tall, green-eyed police officer at the door.

  - Polizia di Roma vorrebbe parlare con il responsabile qui (Police of Rome, I would like to speak with the person responsible here)

 Bianca enters inside and who appears is the mother of Rafael in the door

- How can I help you? - She asks

  - La donna è la madre di Rafael Anderson? ( Are you the mother of Rafael Anderson? )

- Yes it's me

- Ho potuto parlare con lui? ( Could I talk to him? )

- Sure, you can come in.

The cop enters and realizes that everyone is in the kitchen, he asks everyone to sit in the living room, and everyone goes to the sitting room

  - Qui ho un CD con la registrazione di un furto di scuola (I have here a CD with the recording of the school robbery) - The police officer says taking the CD from the cover

- Where did they rob you? - Daniel asks curious

  - Sembra che ha rubato la pensione, lei si lamentava che ha dimenticato la sua borsa nella sua stanza e quando tornò la maggior parte dei documenti studenti era scomparso e anche preso la borsetta con contanti, carte di credito, documenti e tutti (It seems they stole the board, she complained that she forgot her purse in her living room and when she returned most of the student papers were missing and still carried her purse with money, credit card, documents and everything)

 The cop puts the CD in the DVD player that was in the room, everyone saw the picture, first the empty room, suddenly someone enters and begins to rip most of the papers that were on the table, could be the documents, and soon Then looks at the bag that was on a shelf and takes

- Il mio sospetto è che è una donna  (My suspicion is that it is a woman)

- Why do you think that? - Rafael asks

  - Si può vedere dal suo cammino, vestito e tutto il resto, ho un sospetto (You can see by the way you walk, dress and everything, I have a suspicion)

-  Who would that suspicion be?

The cop takes a picture of Kelly from his pocket, Rafael soon broke into a nervous breakdown, stood there and could not think of anything at all

- Why do you suspect her?

  - Aveva rubato qualche tempo fa a scuola, tu lo sai? (She would have stolen some time ago at school, do you know her?)

- No

- Questo è tutto, niente fatemi sapere  (That's all, anything let me know)

The policeman retires and Bianca returns to the kitchen with Rafael's mother

- Now explain to me, why are not you talking to Bianca? - Guilherme asks curious

- You almost fucked me without my will.

Rafael spent hours and Rafael could not sleep, there was only one thing he could do, try to call Kelly, looked at his bedside at 03:25, got up and went down the hall, picked up the phone and started dialing the Numbers on the phone, she answered on the third ring

- You stole my school, you crazy one? - Rafael asks nervously.

- How do you know that?

- The police knocked on the door of my house suspecting you and asking if I knew you, what the hell did you do

- Look, I need money.

- You could only have taken her purse, why did you rip the documents?

- I did not control myself

- What did you do with the things you stole?

- The card I'm using, the documents I kept, I'll return it and the bag I sold, think of a fucking expensive bag

- It does not matter the price of the bag, it matters that you have done shit, never do it again - Rafael turns off the phone without saying goodbye

What worried him most was the documents

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