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Unknown pov

The girl watched his car from a few streets away. That's it come to the car.
She walked a little closer then shot to the roof. Clever. I already liked her. I looked around from my vantage point, I was on top of a building near Ace Chemicals, not too far from her.
The girls hair flew behind her as she ran towards the building ledge, jumping from the roof and landing with ease. I smirked, like her mother, I thought to myself. She would find the note any minute, I needed to leave. I turned to leave, but couldn't, I had to meet her, but she was gone.

Adora's pov

As I approached the car, I saw a small piece of folded paper, carefully tucked under the back, left tire. I tilted my head slightly, and walked closer, picking it up.

Adora, we will meet soon I promise. We can't wait to see you again. I see you have come along way in your training. I will eventually train you, personally. Your assassin training has suited you well, so far, killing is not the answer. Remember killing makes you like them.

I heard footsteps and a Robinrang, which gave Tim's location away, so I tucked the note in my boot. I turned around and waved, he glided down to my position and asked what I had found. I pointed to the car. "It's the Riddler's, I read up on Gotham crazies. Actually I just read the asylum's archives, they need better security."

Tim nodded, "there's alot you don't know about Gotham, be careful where you decide to dig your nose". I ignored his comments and walked towards the car. I looked around inside, nothing but a green paper. I took out my explosive gel and sprayed the window, which Tim wasn't happy about. He lectured me on breaking things that didn't need to be broken, I argued back saying that it was faster.

I reached in and grabbed the paper, and the radio turned on. The was a girl talking, well more crying.

Please help me, he's going to kill...

Hello young bird, not that you're near my pure genius, but you may try my riddle.

Who makes it, has no need of it.
Who buys it, has no use for it. 
Who uses it can neither see nor feel it. 
What is it?

Find what I'm looking for young bird or she dies there, you has three hour before her oxygen runs out. Begin.

The radio cut out and I looked at Tim, he shrugged and walked to the car, looking around inside it.
"The answer is coffin."

He nodded, "I know it is. Do you realize how many coffins are in Gotham, they're everywhere!"
I looked around the car then back at Tim. No sign of any exact position... Wait.  I climbed through the broken window, earning a few cuts on my arm from the glass, and tucked down close to the floor. There was a few blades of grass, the grass was a green ish blue. I took an empty plastic bag from my utility belt and a cotton swab. I swabbed around the sorry and put the grass and some random leaves in a bag. I got out of the car and Tim had a few more items of the same sort. Like a dirt sample from a shoe, another leave, and a few random papers/news papers that were in the car. 

Back at the cave Tim had all the evidence we found and located it to two specific place in Gotham. I look over from my place, refilling my utility belt, to see him circle two locations on the Batcomputer.

 I look over from my place, refilling my utility belt, to see him circle two locations on the Batcomputer

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"One location, in Gotham north the other in Gotham south, choose one and go, but don't die

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"One location, in Gotham north the other in Gotham south, choose one and go, but don't die." He said as he passed me, bumping my shoulder and jumping into the Batmobile.

I look around before putting my belt back on and checking the Batcomputer before signaling my Nightbike.

Some background on the missing years...

Today I became known as Nightfright. A catchy name that I had grown on me as more people called me this. Why Nightfright, because I found a way to temporarily recreate Scarecrow's fear toxin. Mine lasts for seconds, just long enough to take em out.


I arrived at Gotham north by Panessa Studios, just behind the building.

I arrived at Gotham north by Panessa Studios, just behind the building

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There were thugs everywhere. I took higher ground and just missed the sniper scouts. I looked around.

2 snipers
3 guards near the door
10 unarmed
4 knives
2 ammunition boxes
4 century guns

Great, this will be fun. I brought nothing to hack the century gun.
I was currently unprepared and really itching to teach these idiots a lesson. If I learned anything from momma it's always have a plan b. I looked around quickly, okay 2 fire extinguishers. I watched the men circle the front entrance. The top of the building was the best enterance and thugs were there so force entry is required.

I smirked from my position, I grabbed my escrima sticks. They weren't my favorite weapon, but they would do. I leapt off the wire above an armed thug and landed on his shoulders perfectly. He jumped back as I tightened my thighs around his neck rocking my body forward, he fell to the ground with a thud. I hit the back of his head and went around the corner.

One down 18 to go.  There was another set of men checking the fire escape, two looking down the other two climbing stairs to higher ground. I put the escrima sticks away and pulled out my bow staff, from its case in the outside of my left leg. The two near the fire escape, were still looking around. I snuck behind them and between them, hitting the two right under their chin. They fell back to the ground and I kicked one's temple and whacked the other's temple with the bow staff. The others heard their fall and ran to check. I hid away behind a room wall, which I got to through the vent. Still not able to get to the door, I pulled out explosive gel and sprayed the rotten wood. I stepped back towards the vent and ducked inside.

Look out it's the bat!

No he's dead, stupid.

What are you talking about, he's been dead for ye...

I heard a thug and the sound of cracking bones. My heart skipped a beat and my hands grew sweaty. My mouth was dry as this person approached the vent. I could hear their footsteps coming closer and stopping. I heard the medal of the vent cover scratch the vent tunnel, I knew I should move but I couldn't.

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