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“You’re the only female motor officer we have. The other two left and I can't say as I blame them.” Bonnie said to Erika with a laugh. Erika smiled in the mirror.
      She was meeting the female officers in the women's locker room. Sindy Cahill, Bonnie Clark, Jean Turner and Tori O'Malley. Boy I hope everyone is as nice as them Erika thought.
      "I wish I would have become a motor cop but I guess we need cars as much as motorcycles" Sindy shrugged with a smile. "Sure do! But it's good to have another lady here. I mean where would the guys be without us right?" Jean said elbowing Sindy.
      "They would be totally lost" Erika laughed as she turned around "How do I look?" "Like a motorcycle officer... actually you look like a certain motorcycle officer" Tori replied examining Erika.
      They all turned their heads trying to see what Tori saw. "Yeah... she does kind of look like him" Erika raised an eyebrow with interest "Like who?" "Oh... well you'll know him when you see him" Bonnie said walking past Erika "But right now you need to go see who your MTO will be. Sergeant Getraer is right down the hall. Oh and tell us who it is later!"
      "I will" Erika said with a nervous smile "Well, wish me luck!" "Aww girl you don't need it! But good luck anyway" Jean said as the door swished close behind the new officer.

Sorry I know this was short and kind of lame but I was stuck at the time and needed something to move the story along : )

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