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      "Um excuse me sir... I'm looking for sergeant Getraer?" Joe stood up and smiled. "Well you found him" he said taking her hand. She shook it a little more firm than he had expected.
      "Got quite a grip there" he chuckled. "Oh sorry sir" she said quietly "I forget my own strength sometimes" "No no. It's fine. Uh hold on just a second- Porter!" Erika stepped aside and peered our of the doorway.
      "Get Baker and Poncherello for me please" the sergeant said to a red haired car officer. He nodded and walked off to find the mentioned people.
      "Uh you can take a seat if you want..." "Oh no I'd much rather stand if it's ok sergeant" "Sure, sure! You can just call me-" "Sarge?" Once again Erika turned around to face the door.
      Her breath caught in her throat and she couldn't help but stare. The man stared back at her wide eyed while Joe glanced between the two of them. "You could be... twins" he said suprised. Erika clutched her helmet as he entered the office.
      Jon smiled at the rookie and she smiled back just as warmly. "Hi. I'm Jon... Baker" he said reaching out his hand "Erika Lasky. It's nice to make your acquaintance though I feel like we've already met." Jon laughed.
      Suddenly Erika realized that there was someone behind the officer. "Officer Poncherello I presume? I heard the sergeant call for you" this time Erika was first to reach out her hand and Ponch reluctantly took it. "People call me Ponch"
      "Well you guys can decide who rides with Erika first. No sense having both of you out there" "Ok, well" Jon glanced at Ponch who didn't look so thrilled about going first "I guess you can ride with me first Miss Lasky"
      Erika smiled before stepping out of the office. "Be nice" Jon joked. Frank laughed "Good luck"
      Ponch watched as his partner also exited the sergeant's office and smiled to himself. "Frank?" Ponch looked up at Joe. "Why uh why are you still standing here Frank?" Joe smiled sarcastically.
       "Hey sarge you said you only needed one of us and that's Jon. Now they're covering our beat so I can just relax" Joe chuckled. It always made Ponch nervous when his sergeant laughed. "You're... halfway right. You can relax... in records"
      "But sarge!" "No buts. Records" "Gee thanks" the young officer said sarcastically as he left and set his path for records. This Lasky girl is already starting to get on my nerves!

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