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      Ponch glanced over at Erika. She was intently watching the road in silence though she looked completely relaxed. Like Jon Frank thought happily. Now how do I go about this...
      "Don't talk much do you" She looked over in suprise. "Sorry. I just wasn't sure what exactly to talk about" Ha ha here we go "Well what about my partner" "Jon? What about him?"
      Ponch hesitated. He couldn't come right out and ask if she liked him... yet "I mean you've ridden with him all this week. Must be tired of him by now" Erika gave a small laugh but it was forced and her face and neck were getting hot. She knew she must be bright red.
      Truth was Erika wasn't tired of Jonathon. In fact she wondered if maybe he was tired of her. Maybe that was the reason Frank was riding with her today. Wonder if he's still coming Saturday.
      Ponch watched as a semi went by. "Would you date him?" He blurted out. Jon wouldn't ask her himself. Someone has to put these two together!
      Erika stared at him wide eyed clearly startled by the question "I beg your pardon?"  "You know... would you go out with him" She stumbled over her words trying to make sense of what was happening. "W- I - n- n- frankly I- I think that that is my own business!"
        Ponch pursed his lips trying to think of a way to get an answer. "So.... yes?" "Officer Poncherello! What I want out of a relationship is dedication, care, and love. If I date someone I expect them to want to be together for a long time and to be serious about me and my children! I have not know officer Baker nearly long enough to see that he will-"
      "Your children? You have kids?" Ponch questioned in shock. Erika was starting to feel very uncomfortable with the situation "Yes. I do"
      Now you've done it! "You're married?"she shook her head "Divorced?" she shook her head again. "But-" "Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel that my relationship status is not of your concern"
      Erika's eyes continued to burn into Ponch as he angrily started out at the traffic. "It was just a question" he mumbled under his breath. They're all alike! He thought bitterly Bratty.

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