Strange writings on walls

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Akira's POV

I started my morning as usual and then I headed out to school. There was a program held by the school personel at the main hall of our school because there was also a stage in there. So we sat on the chairs to listen to their lecture. After hours listening the boring lecture,I felt a strange presence around the place and then moments later I found some really scary and creepy writings on the walls. They had strange signs written on it. Please don't tell me that somebody made a magic circle to trap us. But it the writings don't look like the signs of a magic circle too. Then I found out what the writings said.
It was said "I was here" and there were weird looking creepy signs on the walls. The staff personnel also saw the writings and stopped the program. They told us that this is an emergency so we had to get out of the main hall because they thought there must be a rogue magic user lurking around. So they just let us take our snacks because it was already time for our recess. Then,I saw two of my classmates walking to the canteen. They seem nice and it made me wanna join them but I'm too shy. Maybe,I'll just ask their name. "Hi,Akira!" I heard a voice call my name. Then,I saw two girls who were also my new classmates. "Oh,hi Kazumi! And what's your name?" I asked the other girl who was beside Kazumi. "My name is Misaki." she replied gently. "Oh,I see." I chuckled. "Those writings on the walls were very weird right? I even felt a weird presence around the hall." Kazumi said with a worried face. "Yeah..." my voice trailed off. "Well,see u guys around! I gotta buy my snacks." I waved as I walked into the busy canteen. "Ok,bye!" they waved.

3rd Person POV

"Attention to all students!! The class will be dismissed in an emergency today and there will be no classes in the afternoon as of today. The teachers will carefully supervise the students when they go home." the school speaker announced earning chatters among the students.

Akira's POV

So we have no class in the afternoon,huh? Yay!!! I'll just spend time with Snow at home. I didn't really get to spend time with him so much because of school. I saw my adviser calling for us near our classroom. I quickly ate my snack and I ran to the place as I saw several of my classmates jogging towards her. "Class,who are the ones who need to be fetched by their parents?" she asked and several of my classmates raised their hand. "What about those who go home by themselves or those who have homes that are near by  the school?" a handful of us raised their hand including me. "Those who still need to be fetched should stay here unless if their parents or guardians are here and the rest who go by themselves or who have homes that are not far away can go but you need to be careful okay,class?" she instructed. "Yes,miss." we replied. A few of my classmates quickly whipped their phones out to text their guardians or parents to fetch them while the others already went to the school gate. I put my headphones on as usual and played my favorite music as I went out of the school gate and then I carefully crossed the busy road and went into our apartment. "Mom,I'm already here." I knocked on the door. "Oh my goodness,why are you so early,sweetie?" she exclaimed when she opened the door as my white,furry adopted pet wolf,Snow ran to me wagging his tail. "There was an emergency,mom." I said while petting Snow. I told her all the things happened at school while putting my bag down. "Ok,now go change while I make lunch." my mom said as I rushed to my room while Snow just waited for me outside my room. Then after I changed, I went to the living room with Snow following me. I grabbed the t.v. remote and turned it on. "Akira! Lunch is ready!" my mom called from the kitchen. "Okay!! I'll be there in a minute,mom!!" I replied. "I'll be back,Snow okay?" I patted his head as he just slept in the living room. Then,I washed my hands and ate my lunch with mom. "You wash the dishes,okay?" she said while I nodded. I gathered the dishes and put them in the sink as I began to wash them. When I finished doing my work,I sighed and went into my bedroom as Snow followed me. I crashed into my bed and whipped out my phone. My pet wolf just slept beside my bed while I started playing games on my phone. This has been a tiring day isn't it?

Hello,peeps!! I'm so sorry for the slow update because there are personal things to take care of and my phone had gotten a bit crazy. But I'll update as much as I can!! Thank you!😌😫😏

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