Elizabeth <3 Chapter 2: Old Self

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Well, I know I made you guys wait lyk...pretty much FOREVER for this, and I have had it finished for...I think over a month now. plz don't hate me. My sister has been on the lappy a lot lately, leaving me no time to type it up. So, as an apology type thing...I have been working on this story on overdrive for the past week and I have up until chapter 6 done. So I m going to go ahead and put them all on here. well, I think I have made you guys wait long enough, so plz, read! Oh! and don't forget to comment, vote, and preferably become a fan! thankies and ily all!


Chapter 2: Old Self

Lily's POV

Well, I guess I can't say I successfully made it off the bus. I was walking behind David, and we were the last ones getting off the bus. Right as David was stepping onto the ground, I was stepping onto the first step off the bus. The next thing I knew, I was in David's arms, and that's the last thing I can remember.

David's POV

Right as I stepped off the bus, I heard a thud from behind me. I snapped my head around only to see Lily, who had just tripped on the stair. I turned around just in time to catch her. Unfortunately, right as I caught her, she passed out. I had to tighten my grip on her so I wouldn't drop her. Mr. Parker didn't seem to notice as he started to assign the partners to cabins. As I was trying to figure out how I was going to carry my luggage, Lily, AND her luggage to our cabin, Emily walked over to me and seen Lily in my arms. "What happened?!" she asked right as I opened my mouth to explain. "She, uh, she kinda fell off the bus." "Oh. Um, ya look like you could use some help." She smiled and grabbed Lily's bags as well as mine. I smiled back and picked Lily up so her head was resting on one arm, and her legs were dangling over the other arm.

"Where to?" Emily asked.

"Cabin Five." I replied. When we go to me and Lily's cabin, Emily took our bags inside and laid them on the floor then came back outside and looked up at me.

"Would you like me to stay here with you until she comes back around?" she asked, shading her eyes from the sun.

"Nah. I'm fine. You go ahead to your cabin. Oh! And thanks for helping me with her." I gave her a weak smile then turned around and walked into the cabin.

Holding Lily, (and not really knowing what to do with her, I've never done this.) I made my way carefully onto one of the beds in the small room. I half-sat, half- lay down on the bed and thought for a second. I figured that as long as Lily was asleep, I might as well take advantage of this time and take a nap.

So, with Lily still in my arms, I closed my eyes and let darkness take over.

I woke up when I felt Lily moving on my lap.

Lily's POV

When I woke up, I was in a cabin, and in David's arms. Wait! David! I snapped my head around to see David staring at me. My eyes went wide and I felt my cheeks heat up. "What...um..." I put my hand on my forehead and closed my eyes. "What happened?"

David suddenly looked worried...worried about me? I shook my head and suddenly clutched my head harder and stopped.

"Lily! Are you okay?!" I looked at him with wide eyes. "Yeah...I'm fine. Just a headache. Wait! What did you just call me?"

"Your name. Oh, no! You don't remember your name!" What is he talking about?!

"NO! I know my name! It's just that... you NEVER call me Lily!"

He put his hand behind his head, and my head fell with a thud on his leg. "Oof!" Now my face was really red. Why was he even holding me in the first place? And...how did I get here?

"Oh my gosh!" He picked my head up interrupting my thoughts. Then I noticed how close our faces were. And what a beautiful shade of blue his eyes were... "I am SO sorry." He said after he picked me back up.

"So are you going to tell me what the hell happened and how I got here...and why you're holding me?"

"Well...you were walking off the bus, and you tripped and fell. I just happened to be the one standing there, so I caught you. Then...you passed out. So Emily helped me with your bags and I carried you here, laid down, and fell asleep." He grinned and I thought for a moment.

When I struggled to get out of his grasp, he held me tighter. "Whoa, there! You never told me if you were okay."

"I did too, David! I said I was fine except for a headache." I said as I pushed against him, wanting down.

Right as I pushed, he let go of me, and I tumbled to the floor and landed with a thud. I turned around so I was sitting with my back leaning against the nightstand in between our beds in the small room. I looked back up onto the bed and saw David on his hands and knees on his bed, staring at me with wide eyes.

"What are you staring at, David?"

David's POV

"What are you staring at, David?" she asked as she looked up at me. I shook my head.

"Well, you DID just fall off the bed...are you okay?!"

"What do you care?!" I sat back onto the bed. Back to her old self, I thought. Then I leaned over the edge of the bed and stretched my arm out and offered my hand for her to get up. But, of course, she rejected my help as usual and got up on her own. By this time, it was almost six o' clock p.m.

"I'm hungry." She said.

I walked to the door and held it open for her, and when she was through, I walked through it myself, closing it tight behind me. Then we walked together to go get dinner.

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