Elizabeth <3 Chapter 3: The First Night

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well, i told u i would have it up today, so here's chapter 3! i will prolly not have chapter 4 up until tomorrow. it is 10:28 p.m. rite now, and i am going to bed soon. so, here u have it, read, comment, vote, and fan me! thankies to all my fans already! and for the record, if y'all want me to read ur stories, all u have tah do is ask. c(:

Chapter 3: The First Night

Lily's POV

Okay, so maybe David wasn't such a jerk after all...and when he held his hand out to me after I fell, you don't know how much I wanted to take it. And then he actually held the door open for me! I couldn't help but smile faintly to myself when he did that.

I shook my head. Did I really just think that?! I can't believe that. Then I realized...I had no clue where I was going. I stopped, causing David to bump into me and I started to fall forward for what felt like the millionth time today.

Just before my face made contact with the ground, I felt something pull my arms back. Then I was pulled off the ground. I turned around and saw David grinning, then he asked, "Hey, you okay?"

I shook my head. "Yeah...I'm fine." Then he let my hands go. "So why did you stop in the first place?" He asked grinning.

"Well, maybe because I have no clue where I'm going." He chuckled at my answer.

"Follow me...well, um; at least I THINK I know where I am going." He laughed again.

So, I followed him, and, sure enough, we did end up at dinner. I looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks." I looked back down and followed him into the cafeteria.

As soon as I got in, I saw a big white board with what we were having for dinner written on it in big bold letters on it. I guess today we're having hamburgers. I thought. From where we were standing, I could not see the line. I looked around for a second, and still did not see it. So I poked David in the side (he's like, way taller than me) to get his attention.

"Whoa! Huh?" he looked down at me.

"Um, where's the line?" I asked, feeling a bit stupid now for having to ask.

"Uh, good question." He said, starting to laugh. "Let's go and see if we can find it, shall we?" he held out his hand...um, hold on a second! At first I just stared at it, not knowing what to do, and I'm sure I looked like an idiot.

"Shall we?" he said clearing his throat.

"Um, yeah, sure." I said, reaching for the hand that he was still holding out. I did not know that his hands were so big! When I took his hand, he looked down at me and smiled a crooked smile that seemed perfect...then I met his eyes....had they always been such a beautiful...deep blue...

I shook my head and popped back into reality when I felt my arm being tugged. I had to half-run to get up next to David, and then I fell into stride by his side.

Then he found the line. "Hey, Look!" he said, pointing to the line.

"Oh! Yes! You're good at this!" I joyfully clapped in my mind. Then we walked, still hand in hand to the end of the line...only to see Emily standing there. At first I did not even see her; I was just glad David had found the dang dinner line. Did I mention I was starving? Then Emily looked from me, to David, seen our hands, (I was still holding David's, and he had intertwined our fingers without me noticing until I just looked.) and then back to me.

"Um...did you hit your head...or lose your memory when you passed out?" she said, staring at our hands again.

I looked down at the floor to hide my blushing face, and all I could say was, "Ummmm..." Then I heard David. "No, she most certainly did not!"

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