Elizabeth <3 Chapter 5 : Hospital

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Chapter 5: Hospital

Lily's POV

When I rolled over and looked at the clock, it looked like it said 7:15 A.M. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock again. 7:15.

Crap! Breakfast starts in fifteen minutes and I'm not even dressed!

I threw the covers off of me and snatched my bag from the floor. I rummaged around through it until I found something to wear. I was about to get undressed when suddenly I remembered... I turned around to see David still sleeping. Now I could only hope he wouldn't wake up while I was getting dressed...

I had everything on but my pants and my socks. David rolled over so he was now on his back, still lightly snoring. I still tried to hurry because I really didn't want to wake him up...

Well, I guess I should really pay more attention when I'm putting my socks on. While I was trying to put one of my socks on, (still in a hurry), I lost my balance and fell. I threw my arms back in an attempt to catch myself, but instead, I heard a loud snap then felt a sudden rush of pain shoot through my arm.

I heard myself cry out.

David's POV

I woke to Lily's scream. I threw the covers from my bed in a hurry to see what was wrong here.

I turned around to see Lily on the floor wearing no pants and holding her arm and crying.

I jumped out of bed and knelt beside her on the floor. "What the hell happedned?! Are you okay?!"

Barely audible through her sobbing, she answered: "I was putting my socks on in a hurry before you woke up, and I lost my balance and fell...and I think I fricking broke my arm in the process of trying to catch myself." Then she started laughing.

"What's so funny? I thought you were in pain."

"I just realized how stupid it sounds now. And...I also just remembered that I failed to get my pants on before I broke my arm. Stupid clumsiness." She smiled.

I smiled back. "Well how 'bout this: I'll help you finish getting dressed, then, don't freak out on me now, I'll have to take you to the camp's nurse." I picked her pants up as I said this.

She shuddered. "Uh, alright." She held out her good arm, "Help me up."

I laughed and grabbed her arm and pulled her up. "Now sit down on your bed."

After I helped her and I got dressed we headed to the nurse.

There were quite a few people out, but I don't think anyone really noticed us. Lily was cradling her arm that we think is broken in her left arm -the one that we think is broken is her right arm- and I had my arm around her waist as we walked.

She suddenly stopped, pulling me to a halt with her.

"Something wrong, Hun?" I asked as I looked down at her.

"No, not really. I just. . . um. . . do you know where you're going?"

I pulled her closer to me and she looked up at me. I grinned. "Not a clue." I chuckled. She was still staring at me. "Well, do you think we should, um, ask someone?" I felt my smile fade a bit, but it was still there. "Nope, we can find it. Actually, I think I may have just found it." I pointed to a white and red cabin a few meters away.

"Oh." She said, and looked to where I was pointing. "Yes. Yes, that must be it. Let's, um, let's go then."

I could tell she was nervous, but it wasn't funny anymore. I urged us forward. "Honey, I know you don't want to go, but we need to go have that arm looked at."

"I-I know." She stuttered.

"Now look at you - you're shaking..."

I wish we didn't have to go through this every time someone mentions 'doctors' around her.

"S - Sorry. I'll t - try to stop."

I felt her tense up next to me and a short gasp escaped her lips.

"Hey! Hey, don't tense up like that. It'll only make the pain worse. Now come on, we're here."

She winced and I swear she looked like she was about to cry when we opened the door and walked inside the small cabin.

"Oh, no. What happened here?" asked the nurse.

"She fell and we think she may have broken her arm. Can you take a look at it to make sure?" I replied as calmly as I could, trying not to freak Lily out.

"Yes! Of course. Right away! Follow me." She led us out of the small hospital cabin and into another, slightly larger one.

I felt Lily shudder as she seen a few pieces of large machinery and a few hospital - type beds in the room.

"Shh. Don't worry, Lily. It's okay. It's not like they're going to hurt you. What could go wrong with an X-ray?" I tried to comfort her as best I could.

"Oh, trust me, you'd be surprised, David."

"The boy's absolutely right. I won't hurt you. I promise." Assured the nurse. "Just put your arm on that table there and relax."

"Go on." I urged her forward.

She relaxed a bit as she finally did what the nurse said to do. There was a sudden flash and I flinched away from the X-ray machine.

When she had taken two X-rays, she told us we would know in about an hour whether or not Lily's arm was broken.

So we thanked her and she told us that we could head off to breakfast if we wanted to.

We walked to breakfast the same way we had walked to the nurse: her cradling her right arm in her left and my arm around her waist. When we got to the cafeteria, Lily pointed out that they were serving pancakes for breakfast.

"Mmmm." I said, "Sounds good."

"I know! I'm so dang hungry. I technically have not eaten a meal since breakfast yesterday morning!"

"I know same here. So let's go!" we hurried to the now - empty line and got our breakfast. Then we saw Emily sitting by herself so I said to Lily: "Wanna go sit with Emily?"

She laughed. "Sure. She's going to make a big deal out of me being your girlfriend, you know that, right? I mean, the girl pretty much hates you."

I chuckled. "Yeah, no doubt she will. Let's go."

We made our way through the crowed cafeteria and sat at Emily's table.

"Wow, late much? Do I even WANT to know where the two of you have been?!"

I cleared my throat and saw Lily blush a bit. "Actually, we were at the nurse's cabin, thank you very much."

Then she looked a bit worried. "What?! Why!? What happened?!"

Lily finally spoke, 'I fell this morning and David and I think I broke my arm."

"The nurse said we would know in about an hour." I added in.

"Oh...so are the two of you..." Emily couldn't finish her question, but me and Lily both knew what she meant.

Me and Lily looked at each other. I wrapped my arm around Lily and pulled her gently into my side being careful of her arm.

Apparently that was enough of an answer for Emily.

We ate the rest of our meal in complete - and somewhat awkward - silence.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2010 ⏰

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