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I came up with this on a whim. Few of you know that Starscream is the most inspirational person to me so here is why.

I was banging on the widow as I watched him walk away
I slid down the wall as I remembered all he had said to me
I was falling apart because of him
Because of his endless abuse

Do you know how it feel to be forgotten
How it feel to be another rock in the road
And how it feels to be a problem

Year after year
Day after day
I fell apart


I'm over it now
I'm tired of being a pushover
I finally touched the sky when my hands and knees were on the ground
I realized I was I fighter even after he broke me
I felt freedom instead of pain

I'm over him
I'm over his abuse
Every bruise and hurtful word he gave me...

Made me stronger
I am strong

It's funny how you have to be at your lowest to realize just what you have
And I'm alive
I'm breathing
I'm free

That's what matters

Not that I just went through hell
That I'm battling demons
That I'm battling myself

That I'm alive
That I'm stronger than before
And mostly that I'm winning this battle

To everyone who is reading this
To everyone who has been hurt
To everyone who has been yelled at
To everyone who has been where I was

Your strong
Your brave
Your a fighter
Your a winner

I want to be a leader
I want to restore my home
I want to go back to the glory days

And I will

I WILL one day lead
I WILL one day restore my home
I WILL one day make my world bright again

And you WILL get through what your going through

I was broken
I was bruised
I was beaten

I became mean
I became distant
I became lost

I was a empty shell of who I used to be
I was hellbent on revenge

But now I see

I'm stronger than my demons
I'm stronger than Megatron
I'm stronger than my bruises, my broken armour, my verbal abuse

I'm stronger than any challenge thrown my way

Tell me,
Are you suffering from Depression?
Are you suffering from Anxiety?
Are you suffering from Paranoia?
Are you suffering from Anorexia?
Mental problems?

If you are,

Your the strongest person in the world.


Because your still here!
You haven't given up
So don't change that
Stay strong

You are not alone!

I'm here
We're here

Every person suffering from something
Every single one
Is here for you!

Don't let us down
Keep fighting!
Never ever ever give up

Every time you fall, stand up again
And if you have a hard time doing so
We will help you up

Stay strong
Keep fighting
Don't give up

A survivor,
A warrior,
A winner,


I love requests! I need some inspiration!!!!

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