Racing Stripes (2)

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I'm cold
I'm hungry
I'm thirsty

I think I'm dying.

And I think Bee is dying too.

I've been stuck in a small pocket of space because of a tunnel system collapse, I'm not alone though. I am trapped with a metal alien, he called himself Cybertronian, and it's been two days. He has told me his entire background and I've told him mine, I mean there isn't much to do down here. He is low on Energon and I am starting to starve, oh how I regret skipping lunch the day we got trapped. Bee is convinced his friends will get us soon but I know that if they try the tunnels could collapse further and kill either us or them.

I'm scared.

I have had a horrible fever for the last two days because of my broken arm, and to top it off the wound is infected, I don't want to die down here. The only way we can tell night from day is if we're cooking or freezing, it's hell down here.

Bee has tried to use his comm. but we're too deep. I heard some shifting a few hours ago, I'm not sure if Mother Earth is trying to kill us or Bee's friends are here.

I heard a shrill voice outside, I was excited until I saw bees face, it was a look of horror. He looked at me before confirming what I had assumed,


He put me inside his chassis as the voices neared our location and rock started to be cleared away. I sat in the darkness of his chassis, I'm scared for our lives. Finally I heard the voices right in front of us as the wall of rock that sealed us off was broken down. Bee struggled to stand up but couldn't, he was low on energon so he couldn't escape.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Said a shrill voice I can only assume was Starscream's

I felt Bee stiffen and try to struggle away but soon he was being dragged somewhere I couldn't see. I heard Starscream call for a groundbridge and soon we went through one. They took Bee to the brig and left us there, bee hanging from chains and me undiscovered in his chassis, alone.

Every once in a while someone would interrogate Bee, but he soon went into forced recharge from exhaustion. That was not the worst part though,

I fell out.

I fell out of his chassis when he went into recharge, I guess he relaxed and it released the latches. I landed hard on the floor and in the light I truly saw how bad my arm was, I could practically see bone in the mangled mess. I think it got hit in the collapse but shock kept me from the realization. I just laid on the floor in a miserable, broken, little heap until I heard the door open. I looked up tiredly and saw the surprised face of knockout, the decepticon medic, staring at me. "T- Take a picture, It'll last l- longer..." I croaked out. He squatted down in front of me and started to speak "I was sent here to keep the scout from dying, but I didn't expect to see a pet here." I shook my head in anger "N-Not a pet!" I yelled before struggling to a sitting position so I could glare at the Chief Medical Officer. I heard him gasp as he got an full view of my injury, I guess even a alien medic doesn't like to see an injury. I felt him pick me up and carefully examine my arm, "How in Kaon did you manage this?!" He asked, optics full of questions. "Rock..slide.." I coughed out, but slid into unconsciousness despite my struggle against it. I think he repaired Bee before leaving but I couldn't be sure, I felt a million miles away at the moment.

Primus be with us.

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