Need A Hand

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Days later, everyone in the family had recovered. Bruce was admitted to the hospital to be nourished back to health. He was released and was back at home. After the family got back together, all arguments dissolved. Kathy and Bruce started gaining back the love in their eyes. There were no more awkward moments in front of the children. They returned back to a loving couple. The family was relieved that their near death experience was over.

"Mom," Tyler said as he pulled Kathy's sleeve.

"Yes, hon?"

"What is that on the wall?"

Everyone looked over to the wall. The Johns were currently eating dinner. On the wall, there was a bulging pile of ooze that seemed to be breathing.

"It's probably just mold," Cooper interrupted not looking over. Cooper just wanted to continue eating his dinner.

"Yeah. I'll clean it up after dinner," Kathy agreed.

The family went back to dinner, not thinking anything more about the slimy, oil like ooze secreting from the wall .

After dinner, Kathy walked over to her cleaning cabinet, and grabbed some Windex and a paper towel. She sprayed the Windex and the ooze sizzled. It steamed as the spray evaporated into the air. She tried it again and the same thing happened.

"That's weird."

Kathy proceeded to try and wipe away the ooze. When she attempted to clean it off, the paper towel started to dissolve. Kathy tried to grab the paper towel to pull it off, but the oozed started to absorb her arm. She screamed for help as her skin started to burn. The ooze had an acid like effect. She watched as her arm sizzled more and more. The acid like ooze had dissolved her whole hand and was working on the bone of the lower arm.

Cooper and Megan flew out of their rooms and halted to a stop in the kitchen. Megan thought fast and grabbed a kitchen knife from the drawer. She threw the knife into the ooze and it dissolved. When reading about the Nukkus a week before, he learned about this slime. It was an aftermath of the Nukkus. Cooper's jaw dropped and he ran into his room. He returned with a bucket. He filled up the bucket with water. He threw the water and watched as the ooze started to shrivel.. The water "put out" the ooze like it would a fire.Cooper thought it was over.

Kathy fell to the ground grasping her arm, or what was left of it. The ooze had dissolved not only the skin, but also the bone. She only had half of her lower arm left. Bruce ran in after hearing her loud cries. He picked up a phone and called 911. He wasn't going to left his wife suffer.

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