Lani's Truth #7 (The Truth About Self-Worth)

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We live in a society where most people struggle with self-worth, and for very valid reasons. We have been raised on the back of media franchises who idolise perfection and worship over-thinking. We are taught to dwell on things that otherwise, should be irrelevant and we're taught that the aesthetic components of our individuals outweigh the emotional and intellectuals elements of our person.

Most of us have things that we wish we could change, things that we wish had turned out differently, or we had handled differently, or things that we wish we could redo or completely undo. Our self-worth has been compromised because of the things that we have been through, the things that others have done to us and the things that we have done ourselves. It isn't all roses when it comes to making decisions, arguing, lust, love and all those other human functions and experiences. Things get sticky, things get tough and we get caught in situations that we didn't want to be caught in. We have to take actions that we didn't want to take, or sometimes you do things that you think are right or you do things that you know are wrong, simply because you want to do them and at the time, that seems like a justifiable reason.

There are undoubtedly things that you think about every day that you wish you weren't stuck thinking about and there are comments that people make about you than bring your self-worth further down, whether it's insulting your looks or your brains or any other part of yourself that you value. It hurts at any degree and it's unfair at any degree but for some reason it happens and we can never be perfectly happy with ourselves and we can never be totally sure why. Sometimes it's because you made a stupid comment, or someone beat you in a test and made you feel inferior or your hair just won't cooperate. Maybe your boyfriend or girlfriend broke up with you and convinced you that you're un-loveable and that you were a waste of their time.

And you know what? You probably were. You more than likely did waste their time, because people like that are not compatible with people like you. People like that are not on the same level as you and you need to remember this: all of the time and attention and care that you put into people who are constantly bringing you down is wasting both of your time. They need someone that shares their nature and you need someone that will hold you tight and tell you exactly how much you mean to them.

So remember this: your worth was given to you by a higher authority. Your worth was given to you by something more powerful than you and more powerful than me. People can say whatever they want to you and they can put you in a certain category or try to shape the way that you think about yourself but they cannot chip away at your worth because that isn't for you or them to decide upon. You were put here to serve a purpose and to fulfil a specific role within the universe so remember that no matter what, through thick and thin, though good and bad, the light days and the dark days, you are still the same miracle that formed in the womb and was suffered over to deliver. God went to a lot of trouble to bring you into this world, so don't let anybody convince you that you don't belong here.

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