Chapter 26: Reunion

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Alice stared at her mother stunned, her legs wouldn't move at first, she felt the eyes of her brother, Clary and Isabelle staring at her, not understanding anything that is going on.

Her legs finally became hers again and she ran forward jumping into her mother's arms, she caught her just like her father used to catch her and Alice cried into her. "You're really here? isn't a dream? I...I thought we wouldn't see each other again?" Alice sobbed through her sentence.

Camael smiled whipping Alice's tears away, then strokes her hair and kisses her forehead, "I am not supposed to, I begged your uncle to let me, he finally gave in. I am here because you need to know how proud I am of you, you have been through so much, yet you are still so strong. You must hold your head up high."

Alice looked from her Uncle back to her mother, then back to him, "Thank you so much Uncle Raziel!" She started then she turned back to her mother, she knew they had an audience but she didn't care at all, she was proud of her mother and now she knew how proud her mother was of her, but she wasn't proud of herself, "How can you be proud though mother? I have failed everything, I still haven't defeated Valentine, he is still out there building whatever army he is building and it is getting closer and closer to chaos and I am here still not fully powered yet, what if I am not powered up and he loses control of his demons? Then I have failed for sure." She looked down and moved out her mother's hold and stands looking down ashamed.

Camael looked at Alice to Raziel who just shrugged as if to say this could be the last time she could comfort her own daughter. Camael kneeled in front of her daughter, "Listen to me Alessandra Shadowhunter, you are far from a failure, you have come so far, you are so powerful even when you are not at full power, you can beat Valentine with your eyes shut...literally." She chuckles softly. "You know his strengths and his weaknesses, you know that you are his weakness, you know that Jocelyn and Clary are his weaknesses-"

Camael was cut off by Alice shouting, "I would never use them against Valentine, that is something he would do! I am not Valentine Morgenstern! I never want to be him; he may have put demon blood in my veins but I will not become what he wants me to become!" Alice was trembling, she had never felt such anger in a long time. She felt her power grow inside her, she looked around seeing how many people she could injure if she exploded now.

Alice looked at Uncle Raziel drawing a shield rune in mid-air, a blue shield dome moves around her, a shield that let nothing out and nothing in. Raziel's eyes widen, "Alessandra no! You have control of your powers you know you have and I know you have, look at your brother, you would never hurt him in a million years would you?"

Alice shakes her head but her eyes water, "the powers never burned before Uncle Raziel, not even when I had no control, the power runs through my body and it burns right now. What if it's the demon blood? What if he turned me into a monster?"

Raziel had never felt so much fear, he knew if she exploded in the shield everything would reflect back onto her, but it wasn't him that answered, it was Jace her brother. "Hey sis, look at me." He waited until she turned to look at him, "You have got this, we can deal with this together like everything else, you are not a monster, I know that, I know you. You could never hurt me, I know that, you know that. Put that amazing shield down, or let me in, I will help you, let me help you Alice. Please."

Alice still trembled, "It burns Jace, it hurts so much, I am doing everything within me to stay in control but its fighting to come out. It wants to come out, but I don't want it to, this...this power I am feeling, it is everything I can do, everything I am capable of is built up inside me right now. I can't let it go, there is nowhere for me to go where I can let all of this out."

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now