Chapter 34: Last Minute Doubt

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Ok, so please do not kill me for adding this chapter in, I know I said that this chapter would be the beginning of the war, but I decided to add in what I call a 'doubt' chapter. I promise that next chapter is the beginning of the war.


Alice wake up at 3am, she had only slept for 2 hours but she was surprised she was able to sleep at all, she knew there was no way that she would be able to sleep anymore, she decided to get out of bed then get dressed into her best fighting gear, which was the one that her uncle gave her on her 10th birthday, she walks down stairs and into the training room, she takes a deep breath.

Could be the last time I come here for a long time, or it could be my last time in here. I could die today or I could be trapped in the hellish Arena more than likely with Valentine and billions of demons, but I'm hoping I stay in this dimension.

Alice walks up to the weapon stand, she could have easily used her power to summon it to her, but she didn't want to drain her powers, especially since she will need every ounce of it, to kill the demons protecting Valentine, kill Valentine and protect the youngest generation of shadowhunters.

She closed her eyes and visualised different scenarios in her mind. She trained and fought as the scenarios unfolded in her mind. How many demons that may be defending Valentine, how much help the young shadowhunters needed, how difficult the demons where, she ran threw them all, defending in the way she would in the fight though she didn't use any power that could flip the result a hell of a lot.

Throughout her training she went through all her moves, flips without walls, flips with walls, slide attack, jump over attack, jabs, slices. Them all to ensure that she was mentally ready for this fight.

I have to be ready, no turning back now. She thought then looked at the watch 4am. Maybe Jace will be awake? Even if he isn't I want to talk to him for half an hour to talk through my worries.

Alice made her way to her brother's room, most people will see Alice as unafraid of anything but they were completely wrong. She was terrified of pretty much everything. Letting her uncle down, letting her brother down. Failing this mission, losing her brother or anyone in the institute for that matter. Alice may have powers and be the most powerful angel ever heard of but she was very insecure about it. Everyone puts their faith in her, what if she lets them down?

What if I fail them? What if they should never have put their faith in me.

Alice was so deep in thought she didn't even realise that she was at Jace's room until she heard a groaning, sleepy voice shout, "what?"

Huh? When did I even get here, never mind knock? Alice thought to herself before answering, "It's me...can we talk? I'm...I'm kind of scared." She admitted for the first time, not only to her brother but to herself.

Jace was suddenly wide awake, he climbs out of bed walking to open the door, he slept in his fighting armour in case he ever needed to just get out and run. He took in how she looked, she was ready for the fight, physically but he saw the doubt and little fear that he hadn't seen since she was 4 in her eyes. He grabs her gently by the shoulders and pulls her into him, hugging him tight.

"It's ok to be scared, Alice. We are all scared of what is to come." Jace reassures her before letting her go, so she can walk inside which she does. She walks and sits on his bed with her legs crossed.

Alice took a deep breath; she hadn't been able to talk to anyone about her doubts and fear, but she had to now, it was probably the last time she could. The only person she could open up to was Jace, her brother. So here it goes, "I just wonder why everyone has so much faith in me, I mean everyone turns to look at me for any problem, they expect me to know what to do. I don't know what to do myself half of the time. I just make it up as I go along. Just like I have with this war plan. What if it is completely wrong? And you all end up dying because of me? I would never be able to forgive myself Jace." She blurts it all out fast and in a panic.

Prophecy Of A Shadowhunter (TMI FanFic) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now