Chapter Seven

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Day Seven - December 20th

The girls are down for bed, and now Sebastian and Chris are sitting on the floor of the living room next to the tree wrapping the Christmas presents they bought the day before. Luckily the girls have no idea that their parents are wrapping the presents right now, and that the cat is most likely asleep somewhere right now, otherwise they'd get nothing done right now. That's why each year for the past four years now, they've been wrapping presents late at night, that way the girls won't walk into the room while they're wrapping the presents.

So far, the two of them have wrapped about half of the presents that they bought yesterday, and there is already a fair amount of mess on the floor. Sebastian fears what the mess will be like on Christmas morning. The girls are both sure to make a mess of the wrapping paper on Christmas morning, but the mess of bits of wrapping paper on the floor right now. Let's just say that Chris isn't the best at wrapping presents, neither is Sebastian either really, but at least they try.

"We are terrible at wrapping presents." Chris chuckles, holding out the box that he just wrapped, to show a not so good job with the wrapping.

Sebastian laughs a little, shaking his head. "Let's just be glad you're fairly good at wrapping something else." He says.

"Seb, if I didn't then we'd probably have like, ten kids by now." Chris says. "Then again, you'd probably love that." He adds.

He wasn't wrong there. Sebastian wants to have as much kids as they possibly can. For now though, three kids are enough. But they still want a boy eventually, though at this rate, it seems as though Chris can only make girls. Hopefully their fourth child - when they go to have a fourth that is - will be a boy.

"You're not wrong there." Sebastian says. "I want a lot of kids, and it's just a good thing that you get a good pay from your job."

"That is a good thing." Chris agrees, placing the present he was previously wrapping under the tree. "I don't know how we'd have ever coped without the amount of money that we've got."

Chris's job isn't exactly anything flash exactly, but he still gets a pretty good pay from it. At least, Chris doesn't claim it to be that flash, but some others would most likely call being an architect a flash job. Sebastian certainly would, compared to his job that he had before he pretty much became a stay at home mom. All his job was, was stacking shelves at the supermarket, such a boring job, but at least Sebastian himself was bringing in some money, so it wasn't just Chris's pay providing for them and paying the bills.

At what sounds like paper being jumped on and clawed at, both Sebastian and Chris look over at the wrapping paper that they've got sitting next to the unwrapped presents, to find the cat has decided to cause a bit of havoc. It was only a matter of time before Muffy came into the living room and decide to mess with the wrapping paper they've got out after all.

"How is he still like this for almost being twelve?" Chris groans. "You'd think that all he'd want to do by now is sleep."

Sebastian simply laughs at that as he watches his cat mess around with the wrapping paper. For being almost twelve, Muffy still has a fair amount of energy, and Sebastian loves it, even if he can be a bit too mischievous at times. Though honestly, Sebastian thinks that Muffy might be slowing down a little, and not being too much of a pain these days. But the ginger furball still seems to have somewhat of a playful kitten side to him, and Sebastian simply loves it.

"I guess we're just going to have to try and wrap the rest of these with Muffy around." Sebastian says, causing Chris to groan.

It's going to be a mission to get the presents wrapped now while the cat is in the room, and both Sebastian and Chris know it. Unfortunately there's not much they can do about it now, since neither of them can really be bothered to move Muffy's into another room.

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