Chapter Eleven

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Don't usually put these warnings, but there's smut in this chapter, just so you're all aware. It probably seems a little rushed though, but that's partly because this is the first smut chapter thing I've written in awhile now, so it's probably terrible.


Day Eleven - December 24th

"Come on, girls!" Chris says, walking over to where Sebastian sat on the couch with the girls both cuddled up to his sides. "It's time for bed!"

"No, daddy!" Taissa whines. "We don't want to go to bed!" She says. "We wanna stay up late!"

It's Christmas Eve night right now, and Sebastian and Chris are about to get the girls to bed. Sebastian just having finished reading them a book downstairs in the living room, and now he and Chris are about to try and get two restless girls to bed, and since it's Christmas day tomorrow, the girls seem to be not wanting to go to sleep at all right now.

"Girls." Sebastian starts. "You've got to go to bed now, so you can wake up early in the morning to open your presents." He says. "Both mommy and daddy are going to bed as soon as we get you two in bed."

Both Taissa and Emma simply shake their heads in protest. They don't want to go to sleep at all right now, despite the fact that they both are getting tired right now, and both Sebastian and Chris can clearly tell that both of their girls are getting tired.

Sebastian and Chris definitely have their work cut out for them with these two. Even when they say their not tired but they actually are, it's always a struggle to get both girls to bed. Tonight of course, is no different, especially considering it's Christmas Eve currently, and even though the girls are tired - they just won't admit it - they're very excited for tomorrow. Which makes it a lot harder for Sebastian and Chris to get both girls to bed.

"Girls." Chris sighs. "If you both go to bed now, you can get up early in the morning and open your presents." He says, hoping that the girls will accept that option and go to bed right now.

Fortunately the girls do accept that option - but only after a bit more talking into - and Sebastian and Chris head upstairs with the girls, and get them into their pyjamas and ready for bed. Thankfully it doesn't actually end up taking too long to get them into bed afterwards like they thought it would, and both Sebastian and Chris are retreating off into their room, shutting the door behind them.

"I'm gonna go have a shower." Chris say, pulling off his shirt, and tossing it to the floor.

"Okay." Sebastian nods, walking over to his side of the bed, and sitting down as he eyes up Chris's naked chest.

Sebastian could feel himself becoming just a little wet at the sight, and he has to stop himself from jumping at Chris right now, as his eyes trace the muscle on Chris's arms and body. He could also feel his dïck hardening just a little, and he silently curses the pregnancy hormones for making him get horny easily.

Once Chris has walked into their bathroom, Sebastian gets up off the bed and walks over to the closet. So maybe in a way he's kind of glad he's a bit horny right now. He's got an early Christmas present to give Chris after all.

All Sebastian's got to do, is get it ready before Chris gets out of the shower, and it's just a good thing Chris usually takes long showers.


"You know, Sebastian." Chris starts, walking back into his and Sebastian's bedroom wearing his pyjama pants after just coming out of the shower. "I think-" He stops himself, completely forgetting what the hell he was about to say, as he sees Sebastian sitting in the middle of their bed.

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