Defending a friend

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The volts got louder and S.B sounded so scared, practically screaming for something to go away. And with that I started to her trying my best to ignore my fear. I got in front of her and came face to face with what she was terrified of. A Shadow Eel. These I actually did know all about. These horrible flying creatures will either shock you to death or dive down your throat and rip you apart from the inside. Whining with fear I kept S.B close with my tail, ignoring the pain from it. "L-Leave my friend alone" The Eel turned its body to the side and made a sickening grin. Volts of electricity ran down it. S.B held onto me and whimpered. I gathered whatever courage I had and stepped up to the Eel and tried growling. The soft spikes on my back and head stood up as I glared. The Eel just looked amused. "There's nothing you can do..." S.B said, her voice full of terror. "I can try" I quickly grabbed S.B and harshly smacked the Eel with my tail as I dove into the darkness for the first time. Weepers are able to travel through shadows but it's a very dangerous thing to do. We collapsed into darkness. Just total darkness. There was nothing around us but black empty darkness. "What did you do? Where are we" S.B asked as she looked around, still not letting go of me "I'm not sure. I just panicked and got us away" We heard laughter all around us. "Thinking you can leave? Tsk tsk tsk we can't have that. The Grand Master would be so displeased." This voice was kinda deep and most certainly sent shivers down my spine. S.B looked at me and let me go. "We need to leave. And fast" I tried my hardest to get us out of the darkness but I just couldn't. "I can't do it... We're stuck here..." "You're never truly stuck. I could help but it would cost you greatly. Same goes for the girl" S.B looked very angry now. "Oh heck no! You think you can get Weeps and I to do whatever you want just a to get us out of here?! Well I say screw that! If anything I would want to get out of this stupid Rift!" I tried getting her to calm down but the thing spoke again "I can easily do that for you" It snickered "You just need to allow me to help you" "Alright deal." S.B wasn't hesitant at all to answer and now I was worried. But just like that we were back into the Shadow Rift but instead of being in S.B's home we were in this dark castle but the only room was a thrown room.

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