A hooman friend and something dangerous

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I didn't want her to be scared so I backed away and got on all fours. She calmed down just a little bit still looked scared of me. I thought and sat down. I put my hands behind my back and tilted my head. She smiled a little but it faded "You won't hurt me, right?" This question shocked me a little. I nodded, assuring that I wouldn't hurt her and I climbed onto the bed. She just looked at me and tilted her head. I did the same before she spoke. "Weeps" My eyes widened. How did she know my name? She laughed a little "Can I call you that since I don't know your name?" I nodded and I hopped in front of her. She squeaked and laughed. Then someone opened the door. A taller male hooman. I hid in her pillows. The male hooman started yelling at her and he didn't stop for a while, his yelling caused Emily to cry. I didn't know why but this angered me. A lot. After he left Emily was a crying mess. What did she do to get yelled at like that? This made me think of my dad. I crawled to her and gently pressed my snout against her hand to try to calm her. "You see. You both are useless." I swear I can never get away from Haunted but right now I was not on a mood for his nonsense. I got on all fours and glares at him, the spikes on me raising. "How cute. Someone thinks he's strong" He hissed and hopped on the bed with scared Emily. He threatened her and told her so many negative things. Out of anger I threw him off the bed and managed to get a hiss out of myself. I could easily tell this ticked him off. "Fool! You think you can protect her!?" He started laughing "I am fear! There is no stopping me! I'll always be here! I'll drive you all insane! I'll have you all in the Shadow Rift! I'll-" He choked and all of his words sounded like static from a broken radio. Emily whimpered and hid under blankets. For some reason this made Haunted leave. I nuzzled Emily and made a small whine. This poor girl

It's dark now and I still haven't left her. I was worried something else would happen to her. She grabbed a pillow and held it close. She soon fell asleep. I curled up at the foot of her bed and decided to fall asleep as well.

~Emily's pov~
I woke up because my phone went off which scared me. I smiled as I saw Weeps on my bed. I grabbed my phone, Skye texted me. Skye who is my best friend and sister texted to see if I was awake since she's bored. I told her all about Haunted who she already knew about and I told her about my new friend Weeps and how he was asleep on my bed. She didn't seem fazed at all by Weeps but she didn't like Haunted at all. Who could blame her though?

~back to Weeps pov~
It was morning now. Or at least I think it was. I liked around and what I saw made me want to curl up and disappear. I was back in the Shadow Rift but I'm in this grey room that looks like a box. "Well hello again! Now. Your behavior last night was absolutely unacceptable. And bad behavior deserves PUNISHMENT!" Now I'm terrified. I scooted against the wall and whined but then I realized something "What did you do with S.B?! Where is she?!" Haunted just laughed for a while "She's where she deserves to be! Now no more questions!" And with that Shadow Eels filled the room and swarmed me. All I could hear is Haunted's laugh as the Eels attacked me. They wouldn't stop electrocuting me no matter how much I cried for them to stop. "Next time you act up it'll be Reapers ripping you apart!" I blacked out from the pain

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