Quick Auothors Note

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I'm apologizes to everyone who is reading this for not posting in who knows how long. I've been very busy (if that's what you want to call it) so I believe a sorry is needed. If I can I will gladly continue the story but first I thought I would go ahead and mention a few things just to possibly help me and my sis out. We're both artists and we both have Tumblr :3 so it would be appreciated if you all would check us out for some cool art.

Me- thefox25 (my profile pic is at the top)
Sis- Xenaux (her's will say XenauX's home for black sheep)

(Her art is quite a bit better) Anyway I understand it is kinda annoying to "advertise" yourself but I thought it would be worth a shot, yknow? Now I'm sorry for wasting anyone's time if I did so. I'll try to update more
         ~Sincerely, Fox

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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