Strange things

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I whimpered as I lifted my head up. I don't know how long I was asleep and I don't know how I'm not dead. I looked around. I was in a small home which was off since most of us lived in the dark forests. Then a soft female voice spoke "You need to keep laying down. That poison is probably still affecting you" I looked around, trying to find who was speaking. "The name is S.B and don't ask me what it means. Anyway as I said you need to rest" I looked at her and I'll have to admit she looked strange compared to what I'm used to seeing. She was kinda tall, short hair that went to her shoulders, and glowing blue eyes. But the strange thing is she walked on two legs and looks like a... Um... Hooman? "You don't pay attention to much, do you?" She asked me while stepping closer to me. "Sorry I'm just confused" I managed to get myself to sit up even though I still felt weak from the Reapers. "What are you?" She sighed and rolled her eyes. "I'm a Shadow Person. Not many of us exist anymore" She seemed kinda upset as she spoke but quickly shrugged it off. "Why did you help me?" I asked before muttering "The Shadow Rift would be better without me" She glared a little "You're important even if you suck at being a Shadow Creature. And its not like I'm a better one. I find it stupid to harm the ones on the surface" The Surface? Now I was confused and I was starting to wish I payed attention to my mom. "What's the Surface? What's it like?" She rolled her eyes. "It sucks." And with that she walked off to a different part of her home. I crawled onto the ground and scampered after her, wanting to know more. "How do you get there?" I asked eagerly. "You have to get permission from the Grand Master" She said his name in an annoying mocking tone. And at this statement my expression changed to look like a frown since I don't have a mouth.  "Anyway don't worry about it. It's stupid on the surface. Everyone fights and we're hated." I walked in front of her and stood on my hind legs. "How come?" She looked angered with me "I'm not telling you anything el-" Crash! "Hide. Now." That's all she said before running to the room I woke up in. Scared I fled to a random room and hid. All I could hear is her yelling words that o didn't understand but she sounded angry. I could hear the sounds of another Shadow Creature but I didn't know which one.  I closed my eyes and made a soft whimper. What would happen to her? Will she be safe? Will I? I couldn't take it. I had to help but what if she didn't need it and she was protecting me? I whimpered more since I couldn't decide on what to do. I just kept listening to her yelling but now she sounded scared and her yelling stop. I heard volts of electricity.

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