Good bye meat....

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Monopoly Pov:

I watched as licorice fell to the tile floor unconscious and I look over at the sloppy Joe barrel meat is in. Apparently in licorice's mind, it was the chocolate lake or something from candy land that board game. The reason for this was licorice gets insane when he hears 'candy land'. I am curious what it looks like in his mind though but I am also scared of what he does though. Scourge walks over to the barrel meat was in but I see scourge lower his head silently. I knew that look perfectly. Meat. was. dead.

Scourge gently puts the top of the barrel on and all eyes of the prisoners of the cafeteria was on us. They look in grins or fright but most was neutral. Silently I pick up licorice up from the cold floor as scourge shoot the prisoners with a hateful look warning them not to snitch, before following me to our class after the bell rang. 

Licorice Pov:

I awoken from my sleep from hearing a smack right by my ear. With a startled yelp I lift my head quickly opening my head opening my eyes wide open blinking. I look around seeing that I am in class and the teacher in front of me was growing in anger as he had a whip. Yeah teachers here are allowed to bring those kinds of things to keep us in track. Sucky school right?

The teacher points the whip at me "PAY ATTENTION MR.LICORICE OR ELSE THE WHIP WILL MAKE YOU WAKE UP!!!" he yells in fury. The teacher could see my confused face and he huffs walking back to his metal desk. Sometimes the teachers here have too much anger issues and sometimes lets it out on us students. Also for us not to fight back they chain us to our desks.

I play with the chains on my wrist and look up at the ceiling in a thought on how I got here in the first place. 'It could have been monopoly, or scourge....' I thought in my head as I see the two. The weirdest thing was that I didn't see meat. 'weird.....where did meat go?' I ask myself in my thoughts.

As I was in my la la land I didn't pay attention to the new student that just walked in. My eyes lay upon the two students. "HEY WHY THE HELL IS HE HERE!!!" yells scourge with a growl staring at the blue hedgehog that kinda looked exactly like scourge. The other new student beside the blue hedgehog just looks down not wanting to meet the eyes of anyone in the class. I wonder in my mind....who are they?

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