Another day.

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Sorry everyone but I have no internet and I might not be one awhile to keep updating but I think I will get internet soon.


I look out my window staring through my bars at the darkish grey zone beyond. The cool breeze goes through my fur as thoughts raced through my mind about last night. The images.

The monster.

That doll.


I hold my head growling in pain as I begin to have a major headache just trying to imagine what happened in the cafeteria. For some reason, I couldn’t remember one simple glimpse of the event, just that of meat’s dead body and the blood. Finally my policemen came and escorted me to my second period class. We couldn’t go to lunch and my first period class because of meat’s carcass and that Mr.whip is helping in cleaning the mess in the hall. Something wasn’t right and I wish my friends would tell me if I ask them. After I was dropped off and chained to my desk I turn my head to monopoly and whisper to him “Monopoly…..I need to ask you something”

He sighs heavily as he adjust his hat before asking “what is it licorice?”

Before I can ask I hear a huge smack sound on my desk. I averted my eyes up at Miss Tyvion with a tiny gulp as she smiles pointing the metal ruler at me. The ruler was different this time; it has now metal spikes making it look scarier. “Now, Mr. Licorice, remember yesterday? I do not want you slacking in my class!” She said through her clenched teeth that are still in a smile as she tightens her grip on the metal ruler.

I nod and look down not wanting to look her in the eyes, knowing she was super pissed that I keep slacking in her class. I could hear her heels on the tile start to leave my desk and I gladly sigh in relief. My ears twitch as I hear two pairs of footsteps enter the room and I look over seeing sonic and tails. A sudden pain appears in my hands and I look down seeing my hands balled up in a fist. My knuckles are aching to fight that they started to hurt. Sonic took a seat behind me and the two tailed fox named tails sit behind monopoly that is beside me.

My paranoia came back and I felt eyes staring at me closely. I growl turning my attention to sonic facing him. Sonic’s emerald eyes were narrowed and they look as if their focused. Sonic notices that I was staring at him and he looks down at his paper like if he’s reading. I clear my throat glaring at him and that caught everyone’s attention accept sonic’s even though he can clearly hear me. Scourge smirks staring at this and whispers to me “You going to let him ignore you, licorice?”

“No I’m not and stop being a instigator, scourge” I warned and finally sonic looks up at me but he has a confused look on his face.

“Um, excuse me but I’m trying to learn and your distracting me, what was your name again? twizzler candy?” He replies with a little humorous tone of what he calls me.

Everyone laughs but I didn’t laugh at all. Sure I am a funny guy but I hate being humiliated in front of my classmates and especially when he ignored me. I know he didn’t mean to be mean but I am eager to beat the crap out of him for some reason. He looks just like….. Just as I was going to say something my chains break all of a sudden. In the corner of my eyes I see that tails kid’s eyes glowing red slightly but soon the glow died. In fact everyone’s chains were broken. I smirk cracking my knuckles as scourge joins my side. “Licorice what’s with you? You seem pumped, you taking steroids or something” He says with taking off his shades smirking.

Sonic stands and he suddenly disappears before my very eyes. I turn to see if tails was there but he’s gone too. “GET BACK IN YOUR SEATS!!” Miss Tyvion’s voice growled trying to get everyone into their seats.

I look around as everyone cause mayhem in the class room.

Monopoly and scourge drag me out of the classroom. It felt like hours as they drag me and finally monopoly and scourge lets me go. I huff sitting on the floor against the wall looking up at the two. Thinking this is the right time I ask “Hey guys, what happened to meat?”

They go silent and scourge sighs looking at monopoly for help and monopoly looks away. “Um….some guy killed him” replies scourge clearly lying. Of course they don’t tell me the truth… I look at them with a deep frown “So you say some ‘guy’ huh? I know I killed meat already…”

They look at each other before staring at me with pity in their eyes. Monopoly looks down in sadness with his ears flicked back as he takes his hat off. “Licorice….it was my fault he’s dead, I said that title and you lost control.” Monopoly reaches towards me to comfort me and I hit his hand away looking at him with pure anger.

I stand glaring at him but deep down I was truly sad and disappointed. Monopoly made a promise that he would never ever say that name but he broke it. I hate going into that damn insanity land of mines but only if I’m in deep trouble but I know meat would never kill me even if he was hungry. Monopoly goes silent before walking away looking sad, but with a sigh I stand up. I’m not going to act like a grump, I really don’t hold grudges. I walk over putting a hand on his shoulder stopping him with a sigh. “Hey, it’s alright. But promise you won’t do that crap again, it gives me major headaches”

He smirks and I chuckle knowing why he was smirking causing me to smirk back. “ you pretended to look sad didn’t you?” I ask trying not to drop kick him.

He hits my head with his cane grinning “Yes you are correct, and as usual you fell for it” He chuckles walking away putting on his hat.

I rub my head by the slight pain and I smile following but gets stopped by scourge. He has a sinister grin and he pulls me to the corner of the wall pulling out a picture of……OMG!!!!!!!!

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