Why you don't roam around at night

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Chapter: Why you don’t roam around at night

The night is chilly and spooky as I lay on my old mattress bed. The bed probably had bedbugs or some kind of bug but I didn’t care. I couldn’t sleep at all too worried about meat. Usually meat goes to all of our classes but this time I didn’t see him at all in Miss Tyvion’s class and Mr.whip’s class. (the teacher with the whip) The thought of meat not there sent me chills and I also couldn’t remember what happened at the lunch room. This was too weird and I can’t stand it. “I am….’’  The whisper says in the air as it echoes along my cement room walls.

The whisper was so evil and bone chilling that I sat up in fright. I haven’t been this scared in a long time and that says something. The voice was so cruel and twisted that makes my quills stand up. “Who are you?!” I ask out loud hoping nobody would answer.

To my surprise I hear the whisper again but slower. Soon after the whisper I hear agonizing screams along with gun shots. The noise soon dies and there was a eerie silence making my ears twitch trying to capture any sounds. I finally build the courage and slowly hop of my bed causing my foot to clank on the ground. I walk over to the bars to my cell but the cell door was already open. As I open the bar door I see the keys still in there but the key were encased in blood. This was beyond scary and felt more like a horror movie. I tip toe out of the cell frightfully and find a flash light on the ground. A deep hush noise made me jump almost dropping the flash light I found.

I turned on the flashlight and flashed it around trying to see where the noises are coming from. I walk down the hall with my tail between my legs. My foot step could be heard from the now silent dark hall as keep moving forward. The flashlight kept flickering and I stop hitting it trying to get it to stop. “Damn light work!” I grumble in a whisper.

Soon after the hitting the flashlight dies leaving it no use to me at all. I throw it on the ground and I keep walking but I bump into someone. I sat up in pain from the collision and I meet the eyes of red making me go stiff. The eyes were the only thing I see and it bore into my very soul causing me to shiver in fright. Those soulless eyes …..Those evil eyes glow through the darkness then disappears leaving me flabbergasted and frightened. This wasn’t normal, this wasn’t even from god….This was from hell…..

 I stand on my wobbly legs with the up most power I had left. I wasn’t hurt at all, I was scared. I am practically shaking like those tiny dogs, what were those again? “I am….’’ The haunting whisper says again in a hush tone voice almost like static.

I jump in fright landing against a almost wet-ish wall. My black gloved hand slides against the wall trying to see what the wetness is from. I slowly smell it and my eyes widen knowing the smell. It was the sloppy Joe from the cafeteria. Then the horrible images come into my head from the event from the cafeteria. I stumble through the darkness with my eyes tightly shut not wanting to see the horrible images but I trip over something on the floor.

I look over at the object feeling around it. I felt metal cuffs and a soft fabric that usually what a police uniform is made of.  But I feel that the outfit had cuts on it along with what felt like lots of blood. I remove my hand shakingly and I stand up limping a little from the fall. I soon found my way to the cafeteria and the sound of a sharp object going across a smooth surface can be heard now. Then the whisper again fills the air. “I am…..”  

Then it goes silent and then lights of the cafeteria flicker on showing meat hanged by the rope that’s attached to the ceiling. His body swayed a little and he was covered in sloppy Joe but some of his flesh was melted off. Then I see what’s across his tummy. It says God.

I feel a hot breathe breathing on the back of my neck and I turn around meeting the red eyes again. “I am….god” He says with a yellowish toothy wide smile across the whisper’s face.

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