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The teacher cleared his throat causing everyone to go silent as he spoke in a broad voice. "Class these are our new students "Sonic the hedgehog, you may have known him as the hero of mobius but he is sadly as bad as all of you are" as the teacher says this I see the blue hedgehog that's name is sonic shift his legging uncomfortably as he look down. 

I heard of sonic the hedgehog, the hero of mobius, defeater of eggman ect. I wonder why he got in here in the first place? Wasn't he a hero? was this a joke or something?

The other student next sonic was a yellow fox with surprisingly three tails. He had blue eyes and he sure didn't look so happy being in this class. I don't blame him though.....

The teacher once again spoke "the Other student is miles prowler and I hope all of you give respect and try not to act like idiots" with that the teacher sent them to their seats. In the corner of my eye I see scourge glaring at the two students as monopoly just stares at the two just like the other classmates. The bell soon rang and we all got escorted to our councillor by our officers. This class was much nicer than the other classes, It was calmer and heck not a bad looking teacher. As we all walk in, a white hedgehog with blue covering her bang with blue jeans and a blue shirt greeted us with a smile. That was the councillor, miss Tyvion. "well hello everyone, I hope you all had a good afternoon." she says sitting in her desk.

A student went up to her winking "hey babe want to get a salad after this with me?" I knew what was gonna happen next, miss tyvion's eye twitch and she gets a metal ruler out grinning evilly. "what was that you were saying again?" she asks darkly and the student sweat drops running away.

This is why this is my favorite class. The officers lock us up to the desks and the teacher points to the board with her metal ruler to a subject and just as I was zoning out she calls on me. "Mr.licorice, are you paying attention?" She asks playing with the pointy part to her metal ruler. 

I sweat drop like the other student and I smile "yeah I'm listening" I respond. 

"good" she says simply as she continues the lesson on 'how to contain your anger'.

I wasn't exactly afraid of her, in fact I am her favorite student in allot of ways than one. The bell rang again signalling us to go to our cells to go to bed. Mostly we only have 2 classes because the prison can't afford more classes. All the students cleared out and so did but I notice the blue hedgehog staring at me curiously but I respond by walking faster to my cell not wanting to get on that guy's nerves.

(tyvion bleongs to crimezonooz3)

Opposite highschool (sonic Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now