Chapter 1 - Not a Potter?

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Harry was expecting a lot of things when he went to Gringott's but it was not this.

Harry had been sent a letter summoning him to the bank because it was time for him to claim his inheritance, when he went and asked Dumbledore he was told that he had to stay home because of the wards.

Harry knew that this was important and he did not want to miss this, especially if this had something from his parents.

He did not want anyone to know who he was until he got to the bank so he used his hair to cover his cover his scar and a hat to shadow his face. He walked through Diagon Alley until he reached the biggest building in the area, the Gringott's bank. He walked through the long hall until he came to a stop in front of the head goblin.

"Hello, how can I help you?" The goblin asked him.

"Yes my name is Harry Potter, and I got a summons to be here today." Harry said, he knew that he had to treat the goblins with respect.

"Ah yes, you are now 16, so you can claim your inheritances." The goblin said. He then stood up and walked down the stairs towards Harry. When he reached the bottom he said. "Come with me." Harry nodded his head and then followed the goblin into the private rooms, as this was a confidential affair.

"First of all there is this letter. Lily and James Potter asked me to give this to you before I take your blood for the process." The goblin told him, giving Harry a large envelope.

When Harry opened the letter he was shocked to read what was in it, but it also made more sense to him. The letter said:

Dearest Harry,

Now that you have turned 16 we think that it is time you knew the truth. If we know the headmaster like we do then he has not told you who you really are, and that means it falls on us to tell you.

Harry you are not a Potter, not by blood.

You were taken in by us not long after you were born. Your real parents loved you but Dumbledore could sense how powerful you were, he did not want you raised on the side of the dark, so he kidnapped you and brought you to us

Another truth is that we are not light, we have always been on the dark side of the war, we believe that what Voldemort was trying to do was the right way. Dumbledore made his true intentions more evil, when in fact they were really good.

Dumbledore then came to us with the prophecy of Harry Potter, which we knew was fake because you are not really a Potter. We consulted a true seer and he told us that Dumbledore paid the Divination professor to give this fake prophecy. That Halloween night we were heading to Voldemort to tell him what Dumbledore did, but the old man found us first and he made his move.

Harry it was not Voldemort that killed us, it was Albus Dumbledore. Even now as I write this James is dead and I am dying.

We love you, even if you are not our true son.

Your true parents are Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and they loved you very much Harry. However we were under a secrecy spell so we couldn't tell them. It is time for you to become who were truly were meant to be, and that is a Malfoy on the side of dark.

Lots of love Lily and James.

Harry was shocked, but it did explain a lot of things. Lucius and Narcissa were so cold to the light more then the dark should be because they knew Dumbledore had stolen their son, Draco was angry at the light more so because he had a bother stolen by the light.

"May we do the process now?" Harry asked, he wanted to know if he really did have the blood of a Malfoy in his veins.

"Of course. Prick your finger with this needle and then let a few drops fall on his this paper." The goblin said, moving a piece of parchment nearer to Harry.

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