Chapter 28 - Final Battle (Part 1.)

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It was time.

There was only 2 months left until the end of the 10th year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and this was the time that they had been planning for. Close to the end of the year but not at the end of the year.

"Is everything ready for tonight?" Tom asked Hadrian as he walked into the room.

"Of course it is love, I have been over looking everything and I can tell you the light will fall." Hadrian said with a sinister smile.

"God I love you." Tom said as he kissed Hadrian right in the middle of the room.

"And I love you too." Hadrian replied when Tom separated from him, he was panting a little.

"And do you all have your masks, your faces will not be revealed until the end, when I know that they are bound and cannot get out?" Tom said sternly. Hadrian and the rest of the Circlet wanted to go in with no masks, but Lucius suggested the masks to make them panic more.

"Yes we do, they even made one for little Steve. Although I don't know why he needs it he will brought to us when the light has been bound he will not be at the battle grounds." Hadrian said, he wanted his son there but he knew if the boy as spotted any member of the light would after them.

"Yes I know, I guess they just made it so he would have something from the battle that can be kept for all of time." Tom said with a smile as he looked down in his arms, where their little Steve lay sleeping.

"I don't think he likes one parent more then the other, he sleeps in both our arms, he listens to both of us and he plays with both of us, unlike some babies who favour either their mother or their father." Hadrian said with a smile.

"Well our son is something special Hadrian, and he is showing more and more of that everyday." Tom said looking down at his son in pride.

That silence was soon interrupted by the arrival of the rest of the Circlet. Things had changed in the few weeks leading up to the battle.

George and Draco had now both bonded and using the last name Malfoy, Draco had just learned he was a few weeks pregnant.

Fred and Blaise had also bonded and both now used the name Zambini, neither of them were pregnant but they did want to have children once this was over.

Bill and Fenrir had mated and married, Bill took on the last name of Fenrir he was also introduced into the pack that Fenrir was Alpha of they accepted him quickly, Bill was pregnant at 2 weeks along.

Charlie and Severus had married first and then bonded, Charlie also took on the last name of his husband, both Severus and Charlie were pregnant as they both topped on the same day. They were only a week along.

Percy and Daphne had gotten married, Percy had decided to take on his wife's name like his brothers not wanting to be related to the Weasley family. They both wanted children but wanted to wait until the battle was over.

Dudley and Theo had bonded as well as get married, Dudley taking on the last name of Theo since he didn't want to be reminded of his family. Theo was 3 weeks pregnant with their child.

Neville and Luna had gotten married but they had yet to bond, Luna had taken on Neville's name as he had no real problem with his. They also wanted to have to children but wanted to wait until after the battle and until after they had bonded.

Sirius and Remus were already married before this so they just bonded, both of them having the hyphenated name. Sirius was 2 months pregnant as they bonded months before the battle.

Narcissa and Lucius were already married and bonded, but they had revealed that they were planning on having at least one more child, they had no luck yet but they would try again once the battle was done.

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