Chapter 27 - Ministry is Taken.

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It was nearing 3 months since Steve had been born, and Tom thought that it was time to take the Ministry.

The previous week Hadrian and Tom, under the guise of Mr Collins and Mr Maple, had slipped evidence of Minister Fudge's wrong doings, all of the things he endorsed when he should not have including the imprisonment of Sirius Black. There should have been a trail as there is for all crimes, but this time the Minister did not do that and it is seen as wrong in the eyes of the public.

He was removed as Minster pending an investigation into the claims, as soon as they were proven he was removed from Minister permanently  and sentenced to some years in Azkaban, if he had a strong will he could live to see light once more but that was highly unlikely. It did not take long for candidates to announce their running.

However there was only two. One of them was a woman that no one knew anything about, all she said was that she was a close friend of Dumbledore's and she would make the world a better place. The second one was of course Lucius Malfoy, who everyone in the wizarding world knew was a strong will person with ideas that could help them live better lives, the only thing with this person was that many of them once thought him to be a death eater and this put him at a disadvantage as well.

However it did not take very long for the people to vote. On the day of the voting those that put forward the candidate had to be there, so Dumbledore was standing with the unknown woman while Tom and Hadrian stood with Lucius, under their fake names.

Hadrian knew that he was going to have a run in with the headmaster, after all Rita Skeeter did say his name enough in the articles, Dumbledore would want to know more about him now that he has the chance.

"I present to you candidate number one, presented by Albus Dumbledore!" The announcer at the even said, pointing to the woman standing next to the old man.

"I present to you candidate number two, presented by Harry Collins and Thomas Maple!" The announcer also said. At this name they all turned to the younger looking person the stage, they all knew that name to be the one of the writing to Rita about what happened to Harry Potter.

Not a single person in that audience booed at him or anything, in fact a cheer raised up from somewhere in the back and soon the whole crowd was cheering for him. Dumbledore was not happy he thought that they would boo at him for what he wrote to Skeeter, but apparently he lost more hope to light as not one person was for him here.

"And now cast your votes!" Was said by the announcer. They had heard the speeches when the two stepped up as volunteers, saying what they would change and what they would keep.

Each of the audience held a wand and they would emit a different colour for each of the candidates. For the woman whose name everyone keeps forgetting the colour pink was emitted from the wand, and for Lucius the colour emitted was blue. Now the colours did not fly through the air once chosen, the wands light up the colour they have chosen and then are tallied up. Once the tally has been completed then the results show up on a large screen in the middle of the stage, but enough for everyone to see it. Those who put forward their candidate are also allowed to vote, even the candidates themselves can vote, even if it is for themselves.

When the results came in everyone was shocked. Lucius Malfoy won by a long shot, in fact there was only one name voting for the woman and that was Dumbledore, the woman hadn't voted for herself, her name was on the voting for Lucius.

"What are you doing, you are going to make him Minister?" Dumbledore whispered, or thought he did, the whole crowd heard this though.

"Because you made me do this, I do not want to be Minister I have my own plans ahead and they do not involve this. There is no proof that Mr Malfoy is a death eater and even if he was, I bet he hasn't done as bad of things as you have. I am sorry ladies and gentleman, but I withdraw from the line!" She said loudly. This was the first time someone had spoken out about the man in public and before she knew it she was cheered at and smiled upon, just for what she had said about the old man.

This was another thing in the favour of the dark, Dumbledore made someone run for Minister who obviously did not want to, this was seen as unlawful in the eyes of most of the community.

"Well then if with the tallies one candidate has removed herself from the proceedings so Lucius Malfoy is now the Minister of Magic!" The announcer said, everyone clapped, well everyone except a grumpy old man, once more whose plans failed.  

There was a party after ward, and this is where Dumbledore approached Hadrian. "You are Harry Collins?" He asked the boy, he seemed young and he wanted the boy on the side of the light.

"Yes I am, no need to ask who you are, you just got embarrassed in the middle of a live broadcast in front of hundreds of people." Hadrian laughed out.

"Yes well, I would just like to know where you heard all of those lies from, the light are not the bad people and I most certainly am not bad either." Dumbledore said. He knew he was lying to the boy, but he could feel the power coming from him and he needed him on the side of the light if they were ever going to win the war.

"Oh no one really. You see I was the one who helped Harry Potter when staying with the Dursley's, I would give him food and help out the chores he had to do, I even healed the wounds I could that were inflicted upon him. He told me everything you did, and then I just went to see if the claims were true, that's where I found all of the truth" Hadrian said. This man thought that the person writing all of those things the paper about the man was going to join the side said man was on, he was stupider then he thought.

"Well they are all lies, the light are the good guys. With your power we should be able to defeat the dark lord." Dumbledore said, he didn't realise that he had just given Hadrian everything he needed.

"Well you see I don't want to join the light side, nor the dark. I am not having any role in this war, and yes I have always been powerful but I am not using that power for you to make a weapon out of it." Hadrian said. Dumbledore was using the sweet old man trick, but he was not going to fall for it a second time.

"You would do well in the war." Dumbledore pressed. He was loosing people fast, some of his students won't come to school let alone fight in the war with the light. And he had begun to notice that each house is starting to come together now, even Slytherin and Gryffindor, some of the students are becoming to close for him.

"Yes I know I would, but I want nothing to do with it. Though I would prefer it if you went down, Harry was a friend of mine and you are the one who sealed his fate as death, you should only get the same." Hadrian said in an angry voice, the people around the pair were listening and they couldn't help but agree, so they voiced their opinions.

Dumbledore didn't want to take this now so he apparated out of the room and to his nice safe office, sitting and planning how to make things go his way once more.

"Nicely done love, this is just going to make him lose more followers." Tom said as he came over to Hadrian and kissed him on the cheek. Many of the girls made a cooing noise after that, and they were approached many times being told how much of a nice couple they looked and sounded together.

Hadrian and Tom couldn't help but smile, they were made for each other, two halves of the same soul destined to come together in love. That was going very well for the pair.

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