Chapter 9 - Harry Potter Dead?

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(This is going to be a shorter chapter.)

Dumbledore, the remainder of the order and the rest of the light were shocked by the news. The Dursley's had been found in their back yard, they were so tortured that it was hard to recognise them, but with a simple spell they were able to learn that all of the blood belonged to the three Dursley's and to Harry Potter. And this meant only one thing.

Harry Potter was dead.

Everything was falling apart and not working the way that Dumbledore had foreseen. Members of the order had left when they heard what some of them had done to the boy. These people included Bill, Percy, Fred and George Weasley, Severus Snape, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood, he had even learned that Charlie Weasley was no longer speaking to his parents, Ron or Ginny. Harry Potter was dead now as well, his only weapon against the dark lord, he knew that only Harry had the power to kill the dark lord and then he was going to kill the boy when Voldemort was gone so he could take the credit.

He had it all figured out and now it blown apart. The light would never be able to win without Harry on their side and now that he was gone, the light had no chance to come out on top.

Once the news got out many people were beginning to panic, as well as this the dark had not attacked anyone and anywhere, and Severus had stopped speaking to the man all together. He had no way of knowing when the next attacks were coming.

The Daily Prophet had a field day with this news and a week after the death of the Dursley's Hadrian and his family were able to read it.

Harry Potter Dead?

You heard that right folks Harry Potter is presumed to be dead.

One week ago Harry Potter did not turn up to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his 7th year of learning. It did not take long for his friends and the headmaster to grow concerned with this.

Albus Dumbledore and a group of wizards and witches from the Order of the Phoenix mounted a trip to Private Drive, the muggle residence that Harry Potter spent his days in when not in the school.

When they arrived on the scene the house was messed up, as if there had been some kind of struggle within the home. Blood was found in a few areas that matched up with the muggle family and Mr Potter but there was not enough to cause them worry.

However when the group proceeded into the back garden of the home they came upon a shocking discovery. There were bodies laying there in a pool of blood, they were so marred that the group could not tell who they were by just looking at them, but when another blood test was done the blood of the muggle family and Harry Potter were found on the scene.

The amount of blood that belonged to Harry Potter was too much for it to be just a cut or anything small, the amount found only indicated that there was not a lot of blood left in the body and that he was sure to be dead.

This is terrible news for the light and for the world. Harry Potter was well known as the chosen one and the only one that was capable of beating the dark lord, without him Voldemort will take over our world and many will be killed.

"We know this is going to be tough but the light will stand our ground against the dark, we will all miss Harry but we have to move on so we can win this war, even without the chosen one." Ron Weasley, Harry's best friend, told us.

"I will miss Harry dearly but we must focus on this war, without us the world will fall to that mad man, and that is something that cannot happen." Hermione Granger, Harry's second best friend, told us.

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