Chapter 1: Violet's POV/ ECC309

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Violet's POV

I woke up and yawned. I got out of my bed and brushed through my hair. My phone started beeping, I picked it up to see I got a text from my best friend, Laura. 'You have to come over!!' Read one text. 'I have the BIGGEST thing ever! Come over as soon as you get this' I changed into my new Beatles shirt and stuffed my phone in my back pocket. I stepped outside and ran next door to where Laura lived. She was standing on her driveway in front of a beautiful red mustang!

"Wow! It's amazing!" I said running up to her and I gently rubbed my hand across the finish. 

"I know right!" She squealed. "Lets go some place!" I smiled.

"Yes! I'll text my mom I'm leaving with you" I told my mom and she replied with a 'ok, bye! Love you' and a kiss emoji. I stuck my phone back in my back pocket. "Lets go!" I said jumping in the passenger seat and Laura ran around and jumped into the drivers. We started riding down the road not going anywhere in particular. We were blasting the Beatles and shouting along. 

"THEY STARTED PLAYING THAT ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC!" We shouted to the CD. Then we pulled up to what looked to be an abandoned farm.

"Hey pull over" I said to Laura.

"What?!" She yelled over the music.

"I said pull over!" I shouted.

"WHAT?!" She shouted louder.

"I SAID PULL OVER!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs unfortunately she turned the music down right when I did.

"Geeze! You don't have to scream at me!" She said pulling over. I blushed lightly even though it was just Laura the girl I had grown up next to.

"Sorry..." I mumbled. 

"It's ok! Why did you want to stop here?" 

"It just looked cool, and I thought it would be a nice place to take some pictures it looks abandoned almost... and that makes it beautiful." I sighed looking at the beauty of it all. 

"Yeah it is rather pretty... let's go check it out!" We laughed as we ran up to the fence and climbed over. We started walking around and there were a few dead plants in rows.

"Looks like dead strawberry plants" I said leaning down to inspect them more.

"We're in an old strawberry field" said Laura. I laughed and sung really loud.

"STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER!" She laughed and we started singing it together while I took a few photo's and then some of us while we sang to post on instagram later.

"Living is easy with eyes closed" we sang together and I closed my eyes. Then all of the sudden I stopped making sound. I opened my eyes quickly and saw that Laura wasn't making sound either. I started to get light headed and everything went black.


I woke up and rubbed my head.

"Whew, it was all a dream" I sighed and sat up.

"What was a dream, love?"  I heard a familiar guy said from the other side of the bed. I quickly looked at him and clutched the blankets.

"Who are you? what are you doing here?" I asked. I couldn't see his face cause it was to dark in the room.

"The question is who are YOU? And what are you doing in MY bed?" He said. I looked around and noticed that this wasn't my room. In fact I had never seen this place before. 

"O- oh I'm s-sorry" I said in a softer tone and I was blushing like crazy.

"It's ok, love" he said sitting up. I knew his voice and it was driving me crazy.

"I'm sorry but who are you? Your voice is so familiar but I can't see you to place you" I said shyly.

"Oh, my name's John Lennon" I gasped. 'No it can't be!' I thought. 'This is all just a crazy dream.

"P- pardon?" I said shaking.

"My name is John. John Lennon" he suddenly grabbed my hand and I jumped. He shook it casually and then dropped it. "What's your name?" 

"My name? It's uh... uh.." 'are you kidding me!' I spat in my head  'Why can't you remember your name?! This is sad' "uh.. It's" I was trying so hard to remember it. "Violet!" I said a little loudly. "Violet" I repeated softer.

"Sure took you a while to come up with it.. but Violet is a pretty name" I smiled and blushed. I was so glad he couldn't see me. I was so red if he saw me it would just make me redder. 

"Well, why are you here?" He asked.

"Oh, uh.. I don't really know" then I realized something. How could I be here with John? He's dead. He was dead before I was born! He laid back down and sighed. I gingerly laid down next to him and he chuckled a bit.

"Why are you so scared of me?" He asked quietly. I was rather hurt by that.

"I'm not scared of you... I'm just really shy" I laughed nervously.

"Yeah, I can tell" he chuckled.

"I'm sorry I've never really been in this sort of situation before..." I trailed off.

"Well, I haven't either, love" he said. He turned over on his side facing me I did the same to face him. "You know.. we have to get you out of here. I'm with the boys and they won't be very happy about seeing you in my bed" He said seriously.

"Right.. " I said. "Um, you wouldn't happen to know where here is would you?" Even though I can't see his face I could feel him giving me a weird look.

"Um, Hamburg? 1960?" He said strangely. 'Aha! This is teddy boy!' I smiled 'I love teddy boy... and John! This dream is the best dream ever! I might as well make the best of it and play along until I wake up' 

"Ok, that's what I thought I just had one of those moments when you forget stuff" I lied. 

"Sure" He sat up and walked over to a closet. He pulled out a leather jacket and some other stuff and walked out of the room. I sat there unsure of what to do. I looked down and realized I was still in my Beatles shirt and jeans. My phone wasn't in my back pocket anymore though. I pulled the blanket off of me and stood up out of the bed. Then John walked back in, in his teddy boy outfit.

"Alright, here's what we're going to do" he said walking up to me. "We're going to sneak out and get you home, then I'm going to come back and go back to bed and we'll pretend this didn't happen, ok?" I thought for a moment 'well you don't actually live anywhere if we leave he'll be expecting you to tell him where you live so he can take you home.. maybe on the way out you can knock something down or do something to make a noise to wake up the others.' I thought.

"Ok" I said nodding we walked out of his room and into a small little living room. I looked around trying to find something to knock over when we heard a loud sound come from the kitchenette. "What was that?" I whispered to John.

"I'm not sure" he whispered back, walking into the kitchen. I followed close behind and saw Paul picking up ice cubes and wiping up water. He looked up and saw John and I.

"Who's she?" He said pointing at me. John turned around and looked at me like 'seriously. You followed me?' and then back at Paul.

"Her names Violet" he said leaning on the counter.

"Oh... What's she doing here?" Paul asked standing up and putting the ice cubes in the sink.

"Well, we're not quite sure... She just sort of appeared out of nowhere and I'm taking her home." Said John.

"You can't take her home John! It's 3:00 in the morning!" Paul said looking at his watch. "And you know what Hamburg is like." 

"Um.. if you guys don't mind seeing as what he said I would rather stay here..." I said scratching the back of my neck. "I can sleep on the couch" John and Paul exchanged looks.

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