The sky under the sea

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                 “Hey let go of me! I don't give a fuck anymore!! “I screamed. Mr. Murk glanced over but didn’t even think twice. This must happen often, Mike being a bully and someone spazzing out. Perfect! No one even gives a fuck. When i turned around to push Mike away, i suddenly realized that it was Vic and almost instantly calmed down. " Dude, i want to apologize for my brother he can be a real dick sometimes and- " He was starting to say, quickly and it all suddenly became way too much. " I don't need your help! Just tell your brother to stay the fuck away okay? “I said and was a little surprised at myself. He looked shocked. “I just wanted to hang out sometime with you. You seem cool. Again I’m fucking sorry alright? I can't control him." He said with so much hope that i had to accept. “Sure whatever i got to go? Catch you whenever." I said and quickly hurried off.

The rest of school sucked. As always I was confused. Why would Vic want to get to know a gullible freak like me? He just felt sorry like everyone did, No one ever wants to hang out just to hang out. There has to be a catch and i didn't want to find out what it was. I walked home as soon as that final bell rang. When i got home i saw that my mom’s car was missing, not a surprise though ever since my dad left us for some skank back in Michigan. I grab some chips and a soda as i make my way to my room. That's when i see it the bathroom door is cracked and i see it. My blades and i quickly remember first period and wanting it so bad. I hadn't been home all day so why were they out? I set my bag of chips and soda on my nightstand and hurried over to my bathroom “Oh shit “i whispered. About six blades scattered across the floor, the sink and then a note. I inspected the note it looked as if someone just ripped out of a notebook.

​The note read;



Why? I’m sorry did I cause this? I’m leaving I need some time to think. I’ll be back soon. Go to school, Do your work. Be good. I’m sorry for never being there. Also, I read your journal you keep under your mattress; I’m so so so sorry please no more. Why didn’t you just tell me you are gay? I would’ve accepted it but it takes some getting used too. I love you.  -Xoxo Mom

I run into my room tears streaming down my face. When did I even start crying?? I look for my journal it’s not there. “Fuck” I say to myself. I hope she didn’t take it with her. Fuck fuck fuck. I need to calm down. I fall onto the floor I try to catch my breath. The second my eyes close I hear a knock on the door. 

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