Chapter 14

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Waiola's POV

It was almost dark when we were about reach there. Luckily no one had noticed us yet. We had entered the jungle and were searching for a perfect spot to stay or hide.

Finally after the long search, we found a den like place which was empty and it was dark out there too. Our mobile phone's weren't catching any signal as of course the technology was not so good back then. I wish I could call someone from my time and be like, 'hey I am in past hanging out with my ancestors.' Unfortunately it was too far fetched.

We all turned on our flashlights for some source of light.

"Wow.. this is so awesome. I love this thing. Whatever it is called." Delilah said, amused by our mobile phones. "Can I hold it?" She asked, like a innocent child.

"Yes, sure why not? Just don't press anything." I said. I didn't want any of my apps to open. By apps, I just remembered, my snapchat was logged in. Shit I could've snapped it, but I decided to live in the moment and I handed her my phone. She was so careful with it, that she actually held it with both of her hands.

"This is so good. Now we can search for proper dry wood and burn it." Antonio said.

"But we'll need to do it quickly before our phones run out of battery." Landon said.

"What is a bettery?" Andrew asked, out of curiosity

"Its the thing due to which this device works." Caden said, showing his phone.

"Oh! You people seriously have your way in things, I must say that." Andrew said it with a smile on his face.

We all started collecting wood. After sometime when we had enough wood, we put up a bonfire and sat around it. We also had some food to eat. After having some food we all went for a stroll near the beautiful lake which was near the den itself.

The lake was really pretty. The reflection of sparkling stars made it more admirable. The water was so clear that we could actually see the fishes in it. The scenario was as if, the fishes were in the space. It was really beautiful. I wish this was the case in our time. The twinkling stars just added to the beauty. The soft sound of flowing lake and the crickets it was so peaceful.

For the first time all of us had kept our phones aside and were living in the moment.

"What do you think about it? Isn't it beautiful?" I asked Wade, who was holding and pulling me by my waist as if showing people I am his property.

He leaned in and kissed me on my forehead.

"I just want to go back in our time and get married to you. Now that we already know that we are going to end up together." Wade said, smiling.

"Don't worry everything will be alright. After all we are doing this for our parents right. Think of it, we'll get married in front of them." I said, trying to encourage him.

Tears started running down his face and thats when Alison came up to us.

"Why is my great grandson crying?" She asked me.

"Wade stop crying. People think, I'm  making you cry." it was a failed attempt by me to make him laugh.

"I don't know. Its just that I am done with all this after knowing all that about my parents, Jordan, our future,  its just too stressful." He said now bursting into tears.

"Don't cry sweetie, everything will be alright. We are all here with you. We are all your parents only, just older versions." Even she tried to make him laugh but terribly failed. "And you know you are soon going to go to your parents, all of you. Always remember never show anyone your tears, it just tells them that you are weak and its their time to hurt you more." Alison said, trying to make him stop crying. She was talking to him as if he were a five year old. Maybe that is what he needed right now.

"Yes grandma." He said wiping his tears. It was a perfect moment.

"Well, I think we should go back. Its dark and it is dangerous for us to stay here for a long time." Andrew shouted.

We all were heading back to the den. The sky was purplish black and the stars were shining bright in the beautiful space. It was a scene you could only see in pictures or imagine while reading books.

"Can't we just, set the target and finish it off, already?" Caden asked, now tired of it all.

"No we cannot. Its dark right now, plus it will be difficult to spot the castle on the map right now." Alan said, "Which leads me to ask, Andrew do you have a map of this place?"

"Yes I do. Here it is." Andrew said, giving Alan the map.

After some chitchatting and admiring the sky, we all fell asleep.

Next morning because of the bright sunlight I woke up early at six.

"Wade, Sable, Caden, wake up. I think we can clear it all up now." I said, trying to wake them all up.

I was really tired of it all. Besides, seeing my parents again was something that was looking forward to and it was also motivating me to end all this.

"Let us sleep, please. Five more minutes then we'll finish it and go back." Landon said.

"Dude it will take time. Get up already now. I'm tired of this bossy grandpa of mine. I want that fun loving and awesome old grandpa of mine." Alan said, trying to joke and waking him up.

Well his joke wasn't that bad, everyone did laugh and for a change Wade forgot to be his grumpy self and smiled. Oh! How I miss him smiling. He actually looked cute. Focus Waiola, focus.

After sometime we all got dressed. We actually forced all of them to wear 21st century clothes. Well they looked pretty good. Especially the men they were looking smoking hot. Shut up brain, they are your grand parents.

"Ok so I think, that's the target. Alan join the wire to the laptop." Landon said, passing the wire to Alan.

"Yes, here you go. Press the button fast." Alan commanded.

And they did it. There was a huge explosion. The walls of the castle fell apart.

"Well that pretty much killed them all." Alison said, smiling.

While Landon put his laptop and the machine in his bag.

"Well, I suppose that should end the war now." Andrew said.

We all gathered our stuff and slung our bags around. That's when someone said.

"Or maybe the war has begun." Someone said loudly.

"Shit! Run. Follow me right away." Albert shouted back, running as fast as he could.

We all ran behind him. And Wade shouting loudly.

His leg was bleeding someone had shot his leg.

I ran towards him and Albert came beside us with our horse.

Somehow Wade managed to climb the horse I jumped on it and we headed towards the house.

End of chapter.

Hope you guys enjoying it. Please please please please please please please please please please please, vote and comment. I love you guys soooooooooooooo much. And spread the word.

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