gampa n gamma

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"GAMPA" Hazel cheers as she ran into his arms.

"Hey there little girl, whoa. You're getting big!" He says as he lifts her up. She giggles as she wraps her arms around his neck.

"Hey dad" MaryGrace says, hugging her father.

"Hey princess" he says as he kisses the top of his daughters head. "Come on now, Grandmas cooking up a storm." He led the two ladies inside and placed Hazel back on the ground so she could greet her grandma.

"GAMMA!" Hazel cheers as she ran to her grandma,

"Hazel, my beautiful, beautiful granddaughter" she says, hugging the little girl. "And my beautiful, beautiful daughter" she says, holding up MaryGraces chin. "Hello MaryGrace."

"Hey mom" she says, then presses her lips together into a slight smile.

"So where's Justin?" She asks, "we've been anxious to meet him"

"You're mother has had quite the crush on him" Grandpa adds. Making her roll her eyes playfully.

"He'll be here soon" MaryGrace promises as she takes off her jacket. 

They proceed into the living room where Ruth pours MaryGrace a glass of wine and they make small talk. "So MaryGrace, we are remodeling your old bathroom. And I keep telling your father that we will not be using pink walls with the stone counters-"

MaryGrace tries to tune out her mother while she finishes frosting the cake. But then the doorbell rings. "I'll get it." MaryGrace says, just to get out of the kitchen.

As soon as she opens the door, she sees Justin standing there. He decided to wear a button up with some jeans and he brought flowers. "Hey." MaryGrace smiles.

"Hey." Justin repeats.

She lets him in, and he looks around the house, he notes it's a very nice house with real wood floors and high end finishes. Which is odd because MaryGrace had been living in a studio apartment in a not-so-glamorous area,

"Hi, you must be Justin. I'm Ruth, And this is my husband Hank" Ruth introduces. Justin and Hank automatically bond over hockey. "alright, dinner is set, if you would like to follow me to the dining room we can begin our lunch. Justin,  MaryGrace tells me that you enjoy Italian, so here I have a lasagna, and a fettuccini Alfredo, and soup we got from Olive Garden" Ruth laughs, "and for MaryGrace since she's still trying to loose that baby weight, we have a salad with a ton of veggies,"

"thanks mom" MaryGrace says sarcastically

"Okay, fine sorry. But Justin, please sit." She says.

The group sits at the table, and walks over a bottle of wine. "So Justin, tell us, how is it having to watch Hazel for free? Because MaryGrace can't afford a regular nanny?"

MaryGrace rolls her eyes, "mom"

"Maybe you could convince MaryGrace to drop out of school and work full time." Ruth says, with a humorous laugh.

"Mom" MaryGrace repeats, giving her a stern are you kidding me? Look.

"I think it's great that MaryGrace is getting a masters degree." Justin says, placing his hand on top of MaryGraces. "It's definitely going to be worth it."

"I just don't understand how one gets a full scholarship to standford and throws it all away to be waiting tables" Ruth adds.

"Ruth, you know that MaryGrace just did what she thought was good for Hazel." Hank says.

"What's good for Hazel? They live in a studio apartment in a neighborhood of drug dealers and prostitutes. No, if she wanted to do good for Hazel, she would have just let us have her and raise her."

"Jesus Christ mom. And you wonder why I don't come and visit more often." MaryGrace says, holding her head in her hands.

"Well MaryGrace, if you would have just listened to me, you wouldn't be in this situation"

"Listen to you? Mom, you wanted me to get an abortion just so I could go to Stanford."

"Cause you deserved to go. And because of that looser, you're stuck with the kid."

"That looser is the father of my child. Your grandchild, I might add." MaryGrace hisses. "And the mistake wasn't getting pregnant, it was ever letting you meet hazel."

MaryGrace gets up from the table, "mother, lovely to see you as always. Dad, I'll call you." MaryGrace says, giving her father a kiss on the top of his head. "Hazel, babe, let's go."

"But what about lunch?" She asks

"We gotta go, we can get something on the way home" MaryGrace says,

MaryGrace takes Hazel and Justin outside to the driveway, "I'm sorry about her" she apologizes.

"No, it's fine." Justin says, "So, wanna go out to lunch?"

"yeah!" Hazel chants, "please mommy!"

MaryGrace laughs, "yeah, sure, that sounds nice" 

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