Souda's scheme

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I know I'm posting too much but I don't have anything better to do so I hope you like this! Also I will try to make Sonia a lil bit nicer to Souda than in the game cuz he doesn't deserve it ;.; Oops I made Souda look like the bad guy in this chapter... Well whatever.

"M-Miss.Sonia do ya want to", halting his sentence midway as a result of his fidgetyness, playing with his pink hair repeatdly, he recommenced his unfinished sentence, "D-Do ya want to form pairs?". The princess staring into his shining pink eyes shaked her head lightly an apologetic expression  surfaced on her face.

"Sorry.", she said softly, fixating her view on the breeder one more time. Abruptly her remorsed presence vanished, a determined expression coming to light. Souda wasn't the only one who wouldn't ruin this miraculous chance. Nonetheless the mechanic may be one of the most oblivioust student in the entire group yet he noticed the lingering, cherishing emotion belonging to the sandy-haired beauty for the eccentric animal fanatic.

Still the mechanicist wouldn't abandon this event so facilely. If Sonia was captivated by Ghundam that much the only action he had to accomplish was to appart those two right? Thus the whole rom-com commenced as a result of Kazuchi's slow-witted plan. This wasn't going to finish smoothly, no doubt about it.

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