Part 1

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Once upon a time in an outer space castle "woah woah pause what the quiznak is up with that intro,how original. (eye roll)

Ugh whatever well the name's Keith and as it says in that blasted intro,I
live in an amazing outer space with my
servants Shiro and Adam(A/N I just had to ),and of course the rest of the staff.

Things over here was going absolutely positively amazing well that was until an witch cursed my castles along with me and my staff.

How it happened you maybe wondering well....

I was just taking an stroll in my lovely garden since it was a nice out.

But then an ugly old lady
came up to me and asked me if I had any food to spare and of course me being well being me I said "hell yeah I do,but I won't give it to someone like you" after I said that to the old lady I started walking away from her and to the back door of my castle.

Then all of a sudden a blinding white light started to come from the old lady.
(A/N and that was when Keith knew he fucked up )

The next thing I knew it a beautiful young lady with blinding white hair and bright piercing blue eyes was now
staring into my soul,and that was when she knew I was paying attention.

She then spoke in an soft yet stern voice almost like a parent talking to a young child.

"You young man do not know how to love your heart is like stone,and because of that I shall put a curse on
you along with your castle,and the people that are in and part of the staff in that castle."

After the enchantress said that an excruciating pain started erupting from my body.

All of a sudden I started getting taller and taller then right before my eyes purple fur (A/N I decided to make Keith part galra and part beast ) started covering up my pale arms and when I looked down at what was suppose to be hands there was big razor sharp claws instead.

After that really painful and really scary transformation the very beautiful enchantress spoke once again.

"To be able to break this spell someone must fall in love with you for who you are inside rather then how you look on the outside ,and if no one truly falls in love with you before the last petal falls you will die from such a painful loneliness and as for the rest they will live forever be house more like castle in this case stuff forever and the castle will stay forever scary and gloomy."

With that being said she then vanished right before my eyes.

Which leaves me on my knees looking out at where she once stood in an now dark and depressing garden.

(A/N heyo guys I hope that you liked the first chapter and that y'all continue to follow the journey it will get quite interesting later on so yea until next time( also I'll be posting as often
As I can )

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2018 ⏰

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