Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

15 years later


"" ivy called.

"Yes honey" my mom called.

"Umm well I have this project and I need" I stuttered.

"Need what"? She questioned.

"I need information on my birth parents" I exclamied.


"Well what happened" I questioned taking a seat in front of my dad.

"Umm just forget about it" he hesitated calming down.

"Dad please" I begged looking straight in his eyes telling myself you can do it give him those pretty eyes.

"Ok I guess baby girl, when I met your father he was drunk and we were in a bar playing poker he wanted the game to be interesting so he bet all his winning and...and you and I won so I got all the money and and also you and he tried to beg for you back he thought he could win but he didn't so that's why you don't have same facial or any similarities like us" I said looking at her tremble her lip.

"So did they have brown hair like mine and whoo whoo who had the green eyes " I happily blurted out.

"Your father had the brown hair and nobody had green eyes so your kinda special" I said with a smile stretching a cross my face.

"Well maybe so but I need toget more info do you think you can take me to meet them" I asked..

"NO...well um there probably dead yah dead so just shoo go away baby girl" my dad hesitated.

As I walked up to my bedroom I knew my dad was lying I can sense when people are lying or mad or any other emotion and I got very angry that he Lied to me and of course like always whenever im mad I close my eyes and get mad and once I reach that certain point everything and me stops it's all silence if feels like everything gets carried or picked up and starts to float or move around in the room and once I start to calm down everything falls to the floor so I always have to clean it so my parents won't see the mess I made. why does this happen am I a super hero I don't know but I want to find out my parents have all the information about my birth parents in this locked cabinet and tonight is the day I set out to find them and meet them I was already 15 I think it's time I found out the truth and every time I don't get what I want I get it myself.


It was 11:23 at night I went downstairs got the keys from my moms purse and opened the cabinet as I was searching through the cabinet I found out I was born in October 1,1999 and my birth parents were Joshua and Sarah meraz and they lived in lily rose street 27794. well I guess this is it I'm gonna go meet my birth parents. once I went into my moms car I opened the unlocked door dang it I forgot the keys I say there to lazy to get up and get them ugh I'm so stupid how can I forget the KEYS I screamed and soon the car turned on. what the heck I thought ha never mind I said putting on my seatbelt and driving over to my birth parents house.


Once I parked the car I got out and walked up to the door this Is it I told myself, as I knocked on the door I could her someone walking to the door it was a man once the door opened he looked at me.

"What do you want" he moaned.

"I'm looking for Joshua and Sarah meraz" I hesitated.

"Speaking" he questioned.

"There daughter ivy meraz" I said.

As I told him my name his jaw dropped he quickly pulled me in and pushed me onto the couch after locking the door.


"ivy, omg Joshua the deal with devil worked.

" THE DEVIL WHAT" I yelled.

As they looked at me they both wide eyed me like if it was suppose to be a secret.

"Well I'm waiting tell me know" I said giving a little sass with anger in my eyes as well.

Well finally haha sorry guys i just wanted to stop the story there and anyways do you think that Sarah and josh well lock her and keep her while her step parents don't know that she left?

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