News For Him

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Hey I'm Toni Braxton and we'll my life may seem like its great but it isn't.. I have two sons named Denim who just turned 7 and Diezel who is 5 by my now Ex husband Keri Lewis.. Everything was great until we found out our son Diezel has autism.. I would love to say we both embraced it but Keri didn't which is why were divorced he still sees the boys but not a lot

Hey I'm Kenny Edmonds.. Better know as Babyface.. My life sucks right now I'm married to Nicole but sadly she has cancer and the doctors haven't given her much time left.. We wanted to do so much.. We were supposed to have kids and travel some but that's not gonna happen. I do have kids though 2 boys Brandon and Dylan with my Ex wife Tracey.. That's about it

Toni House

Toni P.O.V 

"Mom can we go to Disneyland for Christmas" asked Denim "Yea please mom" Diezel said.. I want to go but I'm not going through Disneyland alone with these two "Yes.. BUT... you have to think of some people you want to take with us" I said making Denim and Diezel blurt out a list of names "Tayme, Brandon, Dylan, Caleb, Eric, Kevin jr, Aunt Traci, Uncle Kenny, Mom mom, Umba, and Vince" they both said "So basically you want all the family to go" denim nodes his head "You didn't say your dad" they both look at me with blank faces and honestly I can't blame them cause they haven't seen him in a while "He doesn't need to come plus I want to have fun and get on some big kid rides" Denim said he sounds like a little grown man "Alright well I'll call everyone and see if they wanna go and make sure they didn't have any plans" i said grabbing my phone "If they did they can cancel them.. I mean who doesn't want to spend Christmas with this face" denim says smiling so bright.. He melts my heart every time he smiles.. His smile reminds me of Kens... "I don't want spend Christmas with your smile" Diez said running to his room and Denim running after him "Hey.. Don't be to ruff" I yelled calling my sister's on three way

Phone Call (Tamar, Trina, Towanda, and Traci)

"Hello Toni the Braxton" said Tamar "Hey Tone" said the other sister "Hey girls..So I wanted to know if you guys have any plans for Christmas" I ask "Nope" they said in unison "O ok.. Well the boys want to spend Christmas at Disneyland and We want y'all to come" I say and I hear the kids in the background yelling and Happy "So I take that as a yes" I ask "Yes" They all say I'm glad there coming and I know the boys will be also "Okay well Christmas is two weeks away so make sure yall bring all your gifts and stuff cause we'll open everything before we go to Disneyland" "Ok you inviting Face" Tamar asked "I don't know the boys want him to come but he has a lot to deal with" "That's even more reason to invite him especially with Nicole being sick" Towanda says making me think that I should invite him but I don't know " I heard she hasn't been giving much time left" Trina says "That's horrible.. I know Face isn't doing to well which is why You Toni the Braxton need to invite him and his kids" Tamar says "Well I haven't talked to him in a few weeks but I'll call him... I love y'all and I'll see ya later bye" "Love you bye" they say as I hang up I'll call him just not right now


Kenny P.O.V

"Kenny I wanna tell you something" Nicole says barely above a whisper "Anything babe" I say as I see a tear escape her eye "I want you to move on with your life after I'm gone" she says "I don't think we should be talking about this right now" I say trying to keep it together "I have to talk about it because God is gonna call me home eventually and I want you to move on and be happy after I'm gone" "Can we talk about something else please" I say but she blows it off "Promise me Ken.. That you'll move on I don't wanna hold you back.. Promise me you'll move on after I'm gone" she says grabbing my hand weakly "I promise Nic" I say as she let's go of my hand and drifts off to sleep I quickly get up and go to the men's restroom and cry my eyes out because everyday she gets weaker and weaker I hate seeing her like that.. But as I go wash my hands and wet my face I feel a man touch my shoulder and he says "Cry now but know God got it handled in the end" I didn't say anything because I know he's  right I just hate that this is happening to my wife.. As I'm walking toward the hospital room the doctor comes out and begins talking to me "Mr. Edmonds I hate giving this news but she has about 2 weeks to live maybe longer if we do another round of chemo" When he said chemo I immediately shook my head because Nicole doesn't want anymore chemo "2 weeks.. That's it" I ask "Yes sir.. I wish I could be giving you better news but unfortunately she's only getting worse" he say "Yea I understand" I say wiping a tear from my eye "I'm Sorry" he says and walks away as I walk into the room my phone begins to ring and it's Toni I haven't talked to her in a bit

Phone Call  (Toni)

"Helllo" I say "Hey Ken how are you" she says "Not so good but how are you" I ask "I'm alright.. Well I'm calling because I wanted to know what your doing for Christmas because if you aren't busy the boys and I would like for you to come to Disneyland with us and my family" she says and I smile at the fact that she wants me to spend Christmas with her and her family "Id love to but I was gonna spend Christmas with Nicole since she's very sick" I say looking out the window "Ok that's fine... How is she doing" She asks and I don't wanna cry but I might "Not good doctor's say she has about 2 weeks left" "Im so sorry Ken I know that must be hard.. I know it was when I found out about my grandmother's cancer.. But I know your probably there with her right now so I call you later.. And The offer still stands if you wanna take it cause your boys are already going" she says I'm kinda shocked that Tracey said yes but not really cause there close "Alright thanks Tone" "My pleasure Ken" she hangs up and I go sit by Nicole bed thinking she's sleep but shes not at least not anymore "You should go Kenny" she says "No ima spend Christmas with you.. You shouldn't be by yourself on Christmas" I say sternly "Yea but you should also be with your kids at the happiest place on earth on the best holiday ever don't let me stop your fun I'll be happy knowing your happy having fun with the boys and Toni family" she says smiling I haven't seen her smile in a while and to see that smile makes me extremely happy "Ok I'll go but when I come back were gonna have some apple cider since you can't drink" I say as she laughs cause she knows I hate apple cider but if it makes her feel good I'll do it "Ok it's a deal... I love you Kenny" "I love you to Nic" I say kissing her lips for the first time in weeks

How will Disneyland go?

Whose Who??

Hope y'all Like it!!! Comment and Vote and let me know what you think is gonna happen in the next chapter!!

God is Love... Peace... And Music 🙏❤✌🎶

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