Merry Christmas (P2)

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Toni P.O.V
We finally made it back home.. It's about 10 pm my boys are in they room sleep along with Dylan and Brandon who are in Denim bed... Me, Kenny, and my mom are the only ones up and I wanna watch Christmas movies tonight "I'm about to put on Miracle on 34th street and then Home alone you wanna watch" I ask my mom and Kenny "I'm about to go to sleep but Kenny will watch it with you.. Love you Good night babies" Mom says "Good night Love you to" me and Ken say "I'll watch the movies with you but as long as we can watch Home Alone first" he asks I mean i guess we can "Deal" I say as I put on home alone and we watch it together... While we were watching the movie Ken got up to make a call to the hospital but they said she was asleep so he came back and sat down.. While sitting down he placed his hand on my thigh and I didn't mind it and then the movie had about 5 minutes left and his hand started moving toward my inner thigh I was about to tell him to move but the movie ended and he jumped up and went to the bathroom before I could say anything I'm glad he did though

1:00 am

I'm about to make some popcorn but Ken phone rings "Hello" he says and he was quiet for a bit and then I saw his eyes turn red it looks like he's about to cry and yup he's crying I hope everything is okay but by the way the tears are falling he's not.. He just hung up and I don't wanna ask but I have to "What's wrong Ken" I ask I've never seen him cry so much "She's gone" he barely says and I immediately know who he's talking about I don't know what to do "Ken it's gonna be okay.. I promise she may not be here anymore but I'm always here for you no matter what" I say standing in front of him he walks to the couch and sits down and cries more "We were supposed to drink apple cider together and I was gonna pretend I like it but I was gonna do it for her and now she's g... gone" he says crying I've never seen him like this before it's always me on the opposite side crying... "It's gonna be okay" I say rubbing his back with tears falling down my eyes then he lays his head on my lap and continues crying I didn't know a man could cry so much.. We sat there for a while until he fell asleep so I went upstairs to my room and opened the door to find all 4 boys in my bed.. Brandon was at the bottom Denim was at the top with all the pillows and Diezel had his feet on Brandon back and his head on my pillow and Dylan was all over the place his head was off the bed and his feet on Brandon I guess I'm not sleeping in my bed tonight

8 in the Morning

Kenny P.O.V
I think this is the hardest morning I've had in a long time.. I don't wanna move but I hear kids and smell breakfast plus I know Nicole isn't suffering anymore so I can't be sad but I have to get her stuff today which will be hard but I'll be alright "Good Morning daddy" Dylan says "Good Morning bud" I say while i get up off the couch I forgot I was at Toni House but I'm glad I am cause not only would it have been hard being home but I get to eat some good food.. I head to straight to the kitchen cause I can smell bacon and when I get close I see Toni making breakfast and a plate of bacon on the counter "Good Morning Kenny" Ms. E says mixing up her biscuits "Good Morning" I say as I try and get a bacon "Don't even try it and Good Morning" Toni says with a hot spatula in her hand "I'm grieving though" I say with a sad face "Fine.. One for now" she says as she gets back to making breakfast "What you making" "Bacon, Waffles and Eggs and Fruit if you want it" Tone says I get happy cause that my favourite breakfast "Kenny I gotta go to the store after breakfast you wanna come with me" Ms. E ask "Yea sure I gotta get Nicole's stuff from the hospital today anyway" I say trying to sound like I got it together but I know I don't so I put my head down on the counter and tears just start falling again "O I'm so sorry..You know to absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.. You got a lot of people that love you and are here for you plus you got your boys and they need you just as much as you need them so cry now but smile later your gonna be just fine" Ms. E says and I get up and hug her cause hugging her is like hugging my mom so full of love and peace "You'll be just fine... Just take it to God... and eat some biscuits... When they're finish" she says and I laugh cause her biscuits are soo good "Yes Ma'am I will" I say wiping my face "Dad.. Nicole died didn't she" Brandon asked me with the boys right next to him I just nodded my head and he gave me a hug and then Dylan joined and then Denim joined and then Diezel was standing there wondering if he should join the hug or not and then he did and then Toni said "Breakfast is ready" and the hug was broken up "Go wash your hands in the bathroom" The boys ran to the half bathroom "You to Kenny and go make sure they don't get water all on my floor" I nod and run to the bathroom and when its my turn to wash my hands I accidentally splash water on the floor "OOHHH" the boys said laughing "Your gonna get in trouble" Denim says and runs back to the kitchen laughing " Kenny get the water off the floor" I hear Toni yell "Why you think I did it" "Cause your still in the bathroom.. So hurry up before your food gets cold" I just hurried and got out the bathroom cause I was hungry "Mom can I have Caramel on my waffle" Denim asked it's kinda ironic cause I like caramel on mine also it substitutes for syrup "Not this time just syrup" she says "But Uncle Kenny gets to have some" "He's a grown man and not my responsibility... You are so no caramel today" she says stern denim didn't say anything but me being me I put some on his waffle without Toni looking and he was definitely happy

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