Merry Christmas (P1)

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2 Weeks Later

Kenny P.O.V
Merry Christmas.. Today I'm going with Toni and her family to Dinseyland I was at the hospital last night with Nicole but I went home so I could get some sleep and get ready for today.... I don't feel to good going without her but I'll have as much fun as possible plus I gotta pick up the boys this morning and meet Toni at her house so we can go to the craziest most crowded place on earth

Tracey House

"Daddy.. Merry Christmas Dad" said Dylan running up to my legs almost knocking me down "Hey bud Merry Christmas.. Where's your brother" I ask and see Brandon running up to me also "Merry Christmas dad... What you get us" he ask "I got you Disneyland tickets and you can get almost anything you want from there" I say and they run to get dressed "That set them off.. How you doing Kenny" Tracey asks "I'm good.. Holding it together for Nicole" "How is she" "Not good I just saw her last night and she smiled and laughed again but that's about it" I say fiddling with my fingers "At least she smiled... But you guys should get going I know the boys don't wanna wait.. Have fun though and not to much junk and make sure they eat a real dinner" she says sternly as the kids come downstairs with they overnight bags "I got it covered Tracey don't worry.. You boys ready" "Yup.. Love you Mom Merry Christmas" The boys said giving Tracey hugs and kisses and then we got in the car and headed to Toni House "Okay boys listen when you go in the house don't be rude say hello and merry Christmas okay and don't touch nothing got it" I say getting out the car "Yes Sir" They said together I rang the doorbell and Ms. E answered pulling me into a hug "Merry Christmas Kenny.. Hi babies" she says giving them hugs "Hi Merry Christmas" they said sounding so polite we walk in the house and see everyone putting there gifts together "Merry Christmas Everyone" I say "Merry Christmas" They say back I see Toni as she walks toward me "Hey Ken glad your coming with us" " I'm glad I'm coming and plus I know the boys would be sad if they didn't see me on Christmas" "True.. Hey boys Merry Christmas" she says "Hello Merry Christmas" They say sounding polite again "What's wrong with them" She says looking concerned "Nothing why" I ask "My dad said dont touch nothing and be polite so thats what were doing" Brandon said with a kinda sad looking face "Well this is my house and I make the rules in here so have fun just don't break anything.. Deal" Toni says making the boys smile "Deal" the boys say running off to play with all the kids but not for long because Toni then yells "Grab your tickets, jackets and backpacks and let's go" All the kids run outside with they jackets me and Toni walked to my truck with the kids.. We got in my truck and made sure the kids were secure before I drove off and then the kids conversation began and didn't stop until they fell asleep in the car except for Denim and Brandon they were up I never fell asleep in the car as a kid unless it was long road trips and Brandon definitely gets that from me Denim must get that from Keri cause he's wide awake listening to the radio and singing I use to do that to my mom couldn't keep me from the radio she still can't and Toni is sleep it's a hour drive so I'll let her sleep but I'm sleeping on the way back


Thank God we made it "Tone wake up.. We're here" I say shaking her leg tryna get her to wake up "If you dont get your hands off my leg ima hurt you" she says now I know she's up which is why I did it I've been doing that since her first tour and every time she says the same thing but never does anything "Wake up boys were here" Toni says the boys eyes pop open so quick it was kinda scary and creepy "That was creepy" Denim says and me and Toni just laugh....  We had VIP parking which is always great cause I refuse to have to find a spot in this place "Can we get out now cause I'm ready to go in" Dylan said opening the door making me slam on my brake "CLOSE THE DAMN DOOR... Have you lost your mind.. When the car stops moving and is off you can get out until then don't touch the door don't even look at it. You lost your mind already" I say causing him to start crying which only made me even more irritated "What you crying for.. You have nothing to cry about so shut that mess down" I say sternly making him wipe his face Something about this place makes kids lose there minds.. Toni looks at me with a look I don't know whether to smile back or look straight but I can feel her eyes and it burns.. I park and then get the kids out the car Toni still has this look I don't know what to do or say... "Kids go stand with Aunt Traci and the other kids" Toni said and the kids went over there quickly "What's wrong with you" she says "Nothing why" "Why did you yell at him like that" she says "Because he opened the door and the car was still moving.. That's dangerous and unacceptable.. You would've yelled at your sons had they did the same thing" I respond "I have but I realized they didn't know any better so I talked to them about it and you need to do the same thing.. Apologize and talk to Dylan" she says making me laugh "No I ain't doing that I wasn't wrong he was" I say irritated "I don't give a damn... Apologize or sit out here at the car cause I got all the tickets including yours" she says walking away with everyone I can see Dylan and he doesnt look happy he looks sad and I know I shouldn't have yelled at him but he scared the hell outta me "Dylan" I yell he turns around and walks toward me "Yes Daddy" he says with a sad face I kneel down to get face to face with him "I'm Sorry.. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that" I say "Apologize" Toni yells "I did" I yell back "No you said Sorry.. That's not apologizing" She yells back and keeps talking to her sisters "I apologize you really scared me.. I didn't know how to react and I was wrong to yell at you like that" I say "I apologize to daddy I didn't know I wasn't supposed to open the door I see Brandon do it with mom sometimes but it never opens so I thought it was gonna do the same thing with me.. i didn't mean to scare you" he says.. I love this kid man "I love you buddy" "I love you to daddy" he says giving me a hug "Can I get on your shoulders for a little bit" He says I can't even deny him "Yea come on" I say making him happy and putting him on my shoulders as we catch up to everybody else Toni turns around and smiles I don't know what it is but nobody else can make me do certain things not even my mother but Toni can I mean we did hook up once about 6 or 7 years ago I was with Tracey and she was with Keri it happened it was amazing but it never happened again..... We  never talked about it again and that's fine I guess "Dad is Nicole coming" Dylan ask he always asks if she's better and healthy but sadly she isn't  "No she's still sick" "O it's okay she'll be better soon" he says "Ken go ahead I got the tickets" Toni says.. we go ahead and wait for her as soon as she got inside with us the kids went crazy started pulling us to rides and getting snacks  I don't know how many kid rides I went on but then it was time to hop to the real roller coaster and you know I got on almost everything because it was now time to get on the biggest ride they have and I gotta get Toni on this "Tone you getting on this ride" I ask she looks at me crazy "No I'm okay" she says and Tamar snacks her lips "Get on this on Toni cause you only been on kid rides we know you short but you can fit on this one" Tamar says and we start laughing  "Come on please.. I'll be right next to you the whole time" "No I'm scared" she says looking terrified "Come on I promise I'll be right by you the whole time" I say hoping she comes on the ride this time "Ok I'll go on this one time" She says and I get excited and grab her hand as we go to the front of the line  "Get in strap your seat belts" The ride coordinator said in the microphone. So we got in the ride and strapped in.. After the dude came and made sure we were secure the ride started to move "Alright T don't be scared you'll be alright and don't be screaming cause ain't nobody got time for that ok punkin" Tamar said "Yea youll be alright just don't look down cause everybody is gonna look like ants" Traci says as her and Tamar laugh we were slowly going up I could feel Toni grab my hand tight as the ride for to the top I felt her grip tighten and then we went down and she started screaming all in my ear until the ride ended "It was fun right" I ask "Yes it was fun but I'm not sure if I will get back on that anytime soon" She says "What you say I think I went deaf from all the screaming in my ear" I say laughing "Sorry Not Sorry.. I had fun though" She says and then we walk toward the rest of the family "Toni your not allowed on ANY more rides with me... You screamed the whole dang ride" Tamar said "That was Toni I thought that was a little kid" Towanda said busting up making all of us start dying  "Y'all can kiss my butt" Toni says Let's just say she didn't get on anything

Seven O'Clock Pm at Disneyland

Toni P.O.V
Today has been so much fun I don't want it to end... This goes down as the  second Best Christmas ever.. My first best Christmas was when I got to spend it with my first born baby boy.. Knowing that Kenny is having fun and laughing and smiling makes it even better knowing what he's going through with Nicole.. But now it's time to eat dinner at this Disney restaurant I don't know what it's called but Goofy is here and after dinner there's gonna be Christmas fireworks which I know the kids are gonna love


When we got inside it looks nice but I think I see someone I know hopefully it's not who I think it is cause it will be weird... But the host came and seated us and then the waiter came "What can I get started for you today" He asked "For right now water all around" I say he nods and walks to get the water.. When the waiter comes back with water I see the person I saw earlier and this time I saw they face "Toni ain't that Keri yellow ass" Tamar said trying to sound quiet but it's Tamar she's never really quiet "Yes" I say drinking my water but it ain't strong enough I need some Gin or something "Mommy whose that girl with my dad" Diezel asked i don't know who it is either "Maybe it's his friend" "O ok" he says and then I see some little girl run up to him she looks just like him she has to be at least 3 which means he had to have gotten that woman pregnant while we were together Hmmm "Waiter... I need a double martini like quickly" I say and the waiter left to get it when he brought it back I drank it so quick and asked for another "Tone you ok" Ken asked " Just fine" I say I'm really trying to stay in my seat but it's not going to good right now and then I hear "Hey Dad" I turns my head and see denim by him and he looks shocked because he knows where ever he is I'm not far behind "Who are they" Den asked he didn't answer yet so I got up and went over to them "O shoot stay alert y'all Toni went over to her baby daddy table" I heard Tamar say loudly causing Keri to look and see me "Hi Keri" "Hi Toni.. Uh Jade this is Toni and my son denim and that's Diezel walking over" He says "Nice to finally meet you I've heard a lot about you" she says she seems nice "Daddy I want food" I hear but the boys didn't say anything but I see the little girl "Okay baby hold on.. This is my daughter Kori" Keri said I didn't say anything "I'm 3" she says which confirmed my assumption "Alright boys come on lets get back to our table.. Merry Christmas" I say going back to the table and drinking down my other martini I would've said something but I wanted to scream I'm not mad that he cheated cause I've cheated.. I'm mad he had another child while we were still married we just got divorced and it's still a sore spot for me... I wasn't mad but for the rest of Disneyland I was a little quieter just thinking about everything and when I slept with Ken I should've been pregnant that night... But that's another story.. Merry Christmas

Is Toni really ok?

Is Kenny starting to catch feelings for Toni or is he trying to keep His mind occupied?

Do you know whose who yet?? If not you'll find out shortly

Hope y'all liked it... Comment and Vote.. Hope y'all holiday season was great!!

God is Love... Peace... And Music 🙏❤✌🎶

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