1 | airport

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a i r p o r t

"Luke, come on. We don't want to miss our flight." Michael pleaded, staring at who he had thought was one of his best friends. And he could tell, that by the looks on their faces, Ashton and Calum thought it too. "Luke..."

Luke, after hanging out with the wrong people, had started to be caught in a downward spiral towards self-loathing and destruction. He started on drugs, smoked until his lungs burned, and had sex with way too many girls at various clubs. He became drunk most nights, and Calum, Michael, and Ashton were starting to realize they were losing their best friend.

"Come on, dude, we have to get to the hotel so we can get some rest for the concert in three days." Calum tries to lay a comforting hand on Luke's shoulder but he shrugged it off.

"I said, I'm fine, alright?" Luke snapped, shoving his hands in the pocket of his hoodie and stalking away, his eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses and a frown pulling at his mouth.

Exchanging sad glances, Ashton, Michael, and Calum trudged silently after who they thought was their best friend. He just seemed to be slipping away from them every day.


Slightly frustrated and not looking where she was putting her feet or where she was walking, Skyvar typed in a rush to her best friends Miles Waverly and Angelia Houston in a group chat on her phone.

Mumbling under her breath, she yelped when she unconsciously slammed into something warm, hard, and human, jerking back but trying not to fall when she stumbled back onto the balls of her feet.

There was a low grunt, and a hand flashed out, wrapping around her wrist and steadying her on her feet. It was cool but not unpleasant, and it dropped from her wrist as soon as she was stable.

"Watch where you're going next time." She looked up, only to see a boy in a hoodie, blue jeans, and dark sunglasses. A few locks of blond hair poked out from underneath the tight-fitting hood.

"I'm sorry," Skyvar said quietly, looking down but when she looked up he was gone, replaced by a boy with bright red dyed hair and another with hair that was wavy brown and secured with a bandanna.

"I'm sorry about Luke," the bright red dyed-haired boy apologized, his hazel-green eyes sweeping up and down her body before meeting her eyes. He held out one hand, a smile playing on his lips. "I'm Michael Clifford, by the way, and this is Ashton Irwin."

Skyvar's blue-green eyes widened. She grinned widely, grasping his hand. He had a strong, powerful grip and she felt her knees go weak at him touching her. "You're serious? You're the Michael and Ashton from Five Seconds of Summer?"

Ashton laughed, although it was more of a giggle. "Right you are, Miss...?

"Skyvar. Skyvar Cadollwen."

"Well, Skyvar, can I get your number?" Michael asked hurriedly, fishing out a phone from his pocket. "I mean, for later. You're coming to the concert, right?"

"Yeah, I am, actually. Here, I'll enter it in your contacts."Skyvar inwardly squeaked as Michael handed her his phone, and after entering her number she handed it back. After handing him hers he entered his number and they were all set.

"Text you later, Michael?"

"Yeah! And please call me Mikey. Everyone does."

"Will do, Mikey."


It ended up that Skyvar and the boy's also shared a row of seats. Michael sat on her left, with Calum on his left, and Luke on her right with Ashton on his right.

Clenching her hands against the armrest when the flight attendant told them to be ready for takeoff, she whimpered.

"Hey, hey, Skyvar? Are you alright?" Michael asks quickly, seeing the girl's panicked expression. She shook her head no. "Sky, are you afraid of planes?"

Skyvar nodded, a blush creeping along her cheekbones. With a jolt she felt a cold hand lay over her own, fingers wriggling between hers to twine them with his own. It was Luke's hand, on her right.

Taking a cue from Luke, Michael took her left, tightly twining their fingers and leaning over to murmur comforting words in her ear.

She relaxed, resting her head on Luke's shoulder for a nap to pass the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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