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week two.
As Dan and I stood out in the pouring rain waiting for are Uber, I watched as a drop of water trickled down his face , and how his hair began bubble up as it caressed him. I dreaded Dan's presence at first he brought an unwanted disturbance towards me, but I couldn't help notice the similarities we had that I tried dismissing , I suppose the more I thought about him the more I had a realization that I truly liked him and wanted him to be apart of my petite life. As the Uber arrived I dismissed my self thoughts and I entered the car, " We're soaking Phil , I told you we should have just waited in my apartment" he grimaced as If he was talking to a child. I let out an exhausted laugh as I responded," I just enjoy being out in the rain that's all" .He let out a small laugh and soon returned to glancing out the window.We were traveling to the theater , both Dan and I had found an interest in some corny comedy movie and had decided on going out to watch it. " I think we're going to be a bit late , Phil" Dan said with a disappointed expressions. I replied sarcastically , " They play about an hour of trailers, so I'm positive that will be fine" , he rolled his eyes and flashed a wary smile. We arrived to an empty theater with a few people here and there, We bought popcorn and a drink and ran in hopes that the movie hadn't started, trailers were still playing once we arrived and there was only two other people there. We took seat in the far back , as we took are seat I begin to daze off when I felt something slightly cold touch my hand and in lock between and with my fingers , I looked up to see Dan with rosy checks as he said, "I have a sickness Phil, does lovesick count ? " I really can't stand you , but I don't want to leave you behind like the rest of my lost memories..But I have to go.

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