1|~The beguining of an ending

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Note to self : Don't worry , if it's supposed to happen , it will .
I guess you could say it all started when I was nearly 6 years old , I felt like a big girl , like I was on top of the world , like I could do anything that I set my mind to , my imagination was as big as a bottomless pit , and mouth was an endless string of words that only I could understand .
My innocence shone brightly in my turquoise colored eyes , my hair sparkled brighter than the sun in a Monday morning , and my big rosy cheeks that aunt Camille used to pinch every day she could , puffed out when I was mad at my mother .
My mother , I had gotten all my looks from her , and she still looked more beautiful then any rose in August could manage to look .
I remember she used to tell me
"Genevieve , if you find something that you love with all your heart , protect it with all your might , kick , screams , punch , but never let someone take what's really valuable to you " now , you might think that's this was some good advise , but I guess my kindergarten teacher didn't think so when I kicked and punched a little boy for trying to take my purple truck away .
Everyone in my family used to reminisce and laugh , it was always a good memory to remember me by , because I was always the girl who took things to literal , loved to easily , trusted anyone , but I was ready to change , I changed from the girl who loved to easily to the girl who didn't love enough , from the girl who trusted to easy , to the one who couldn't even trust her own shadow , after all an event like that could change Mother Teressa herself .
And like that the day came , I was humming to a familiar melody that my mom sang in the passenger's seat and aunt Camille drove me to school .
"Mommy, when is papa coming home " I asked in my adorable 6 year old voice .
"Sweetie , we told you you couldn't ask about that " said aunt Camille smiling over the rear view mirror , in the passenger seat mom tense at the mention of father .
"B-b-but people a-a-at school make fun of me cause I don't have a daddy " I tried holding in the tears but failing miserably I started let my teary eyes cry .
None of them neither my aunt nor my mom made an effort to calm me down , pick me up , or tell me everything's gonna be ok , you know what mom's do .
'Shhh.... sweetheart don't cry no more , your daddy will come home , just hang in there' murmured a male voice softly in my head , their silky and warm voice washed me off my anxiety and sadness .
"Who are you" I asked barely above a whisper .
"Am your guardian angel sweetie , and I will always protect you " he murmured softly before I heard aunt Camille and Mom scream , a flash of light while everything else was a blur , I could only hear doctors , nurses , screams , heart monitors , and blood , blood was everywhere and I couldn't get rid of it no matter how much I tried .
I remember asking the women in a formal attire to help me get rid of the blood , but she only shook her head and kept writing in her clipboard , not before telling me that my parents were dead , and I was currently an orphan .
I remember praying that night to my 'guardian angel' but nothing more than complete and absolute silence , I was left with the mediocrity of my own little pathetic thoughts , so I shut it all off , I could no longer feel sad , feel mad , feel grief , I could no longer feel at all , and let me tell you , there is nothing more infuriating than feeling empty , than feeling nothing .....

I remember praying that night to my 'guardian angel' but nothing more than complete and absolute silence , I was left with the mediocrity of my own little pathetic thoughts , so I shut it all off , I could no longer feel sad , feel mad , feel grie...

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"You want a fight I'll bring the war "
                      -Genevieve Arch

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