3|~You me and the devil make three

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I threw all of her desk files in the floor , and took her lamp and broke it with my knee . She only sat there calmly studying me while writing things in her clipboard , studying me like I was a freaking lab rat .
"Genevieve , calm down " she got up from her couch and set the clipboard down next to her .
"Don't call me that , you know I don't go by Genevieve anymore " I demanded , she only cupped my face leaving me lost in her maroon colored eyes .
"Fine  Alisha , sweetie I just said that you have a lot of pent up anger and you completely snapped " she murmured softly resembling the mother I longed for and couldn't remember  no matter how much I tried .
"Now tell me what happened , Alisha  "
" I saw t-t-them again " I stuttered unable to control my fear.
"Hmm" she inquired tapping her chin in a thinking manner .
"I saw them again , what can't you understand about that ! , the medicine isn't working they will come for me they told me so themselves " I angrily shouted concerned for my safety and the safely of the others in this good for nothing orphanage .
"Then should we amplify your dosage " she sat back down in her yellowish couch .
"As long as that keeps them away from me " I said suddenly now filled with a new found confidence .
"Well then Alisha , do you want to tell me what you saw " I straightened my back and glared at her , with a dry laugh I replied
"Please , you know I won't bite , not again , after I told you about them , you locked me and grounded me like I was a freaking 5 year old " I snapped .
"You are nothing more than a scam , with your fake glasses and your clipboard that you write nothing on , you are just a bitch without a bone to chew " she stood up once again , her brows curved and her smirk almost looked cynical.
"What did I say about cursing Genevieve , now that will cost you " I glared at her , yet stood quietly , holding my ground .
"I told you not to call me Genevieve , that's not my name " I replied trying my best not to let my anger out , otherwise punishment will be worse .
"I will call you whatever I please , because this bitch as you so charmingly put it makes the rules " there was long pause after that "I want you to do the chores again , and they better be done correctly Genevieve or you know what'll happened "
I shudder in anger "What you'll spank me , put me in time out " I mocked fear as she blushed .
"We all know am a little bit to grown up Doc , plus if you want to spank me you should've just said so " I smirked frivolously as she blushed and looked down at her shoes .
"Aww don't go all shy on me Doc , c'mon show me your moves " I mocked , the first day I came here she flirted stupidly with me , she didn't realize that I didn't swing that way and now I've been using that against her .
"If I remember correctly , you looked pretty damn interested the first time you saw me " she blushed like a tomato and sat back down writing in her clipboard never looking up at me .
I laughed dryly and left , ok so maybe I had sever anger issues but I was dealing with them accordingly . I went to the only person I knew could calm me down Alex Rivera , she had been my only friend in this crappy orphanage for 3 years now and we are stronger than ever .
I knocked urgently in her door , from where I was I could hear rock music blasting and an exasperated Alex fighting with her roommate .
"Am coming in " I muttered to myself mostly
As I open the door an strange odor hits my nostrils making me cringe .
"What the hell is that disgusting smell " I said gagging
"Oh goodie if it isn't the famous Alisha Arch , what? , here to pick up your annoying twin " said Dalia , the punk looking girl with piercings all over her face and her famous Mohawk dyed purple , she was notorious for dying her hair different colors every week .
"Dalia , as charming as always " I said sarcastically looking for a fight and she knew that very well , said so she only scoffed and turned around blasting her rock music louder .
Alex sighed annoyed , I nodded my head to the exit she instantly got the message and dragged me by the arm .
We walked back through the halls of our orphanage , most kids were in their room others were looking for something to eat or fighting with other kids , to say orphans had issues is an understatement .
Me and Alex tried our best to blend in with the shadows neither of us saying a word in fear we'd get caught , I had both my hands in my pockets where my pocket knife hid , she hugged herself because of the chilling air .
' Almost there , the exist '
Before me and Alex could finally reach our destination , a rough had grabbed mine .
"Where do you think you are going , mouse " snarled a familiar voice that I recognize anywhere . William , most kids in the orphanage gave themselves a last name to fit in with the crowed , most kids expect him , fact is he never wanted to fit in and he always hated how hard I tried , so from the moment I first came he started calling me mouse not in an adoring way but in a condescending demeaning one , I was like a mouse to him and he was the cat , I was his prey and he was the predator or so he said .
"Back off , William " I warned clutching the knife in my pockets , my voice holding pure and utter anger .
"Or you'll what , you'll beat me . Come on mouse entertain me " he whispered trying his best not to catch anyone's attention or else both our asses would be in big trouble .
"If you don't move I guess I'll have to make you" my voice dropped threateningly William backed away slightly because he himself knew that there was going to be hell to raise .


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