4|~Meeting Death

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Alex smoked her cigarette looking at the horizon of the roof .
"Honestly Gen , did you really have to leave him like that , don't get me wrong the guy was an asshole but seriously I don't think he'll be able to move for a week " I laughed silently amused at my best friend's antics
"You said it yourself , the guy is an asshole he had it coming " I said looking at the blue and pink sky , in the evening it always changed into this beautiful colors that I enjoyed watching with Alex , she was the only one allowed to call me by my real name , that name was a constant remainder of what I had and lost , only a few people in here knew it .
"Alex , what if I told you we could run away from here , you know start a new life away from all this crap " I said seriously glancing at her , she only chuckled not taking my offer seriously .
"No , no I mean it " I got up on the railing of the roof making Alex laugh .
"Imagine , just me and you , both of us against the world " I started walking a in a straight line on top of the thin railings trying my best not to fall , falling from the fifth floor would hurt a lot and leave a bitch of a headache .
"Yeah and do what ? , get normal jobs , go to school , be 'normal' " she scoffed "Gen you know we'll never be normal , we can't just get a new job and pretend everything's fine because it isn't " she helped me down .
"We are so majorly screwed up that finding a normal job would be nearly impossible , imagine a normal life " I sighed already tired of having this conversation , her answers never change .
"We don't have to stay the same , we can change " I replied smoothly trying my best to convince her , truthfully I wanted her to come with me because I was escaping this stupid orphanage tonight at midnight , I simply couldn't stay , everything here was a remainder of everything I never will be , normal .
"You know what , why don't we go watch a movie or something am sure it'll clear our minds " she smiled softly dragging me out of the rooftop to the exit , me and Alex did this gradually , so much that you could say it became a part of our routine , she held my hand firmly , giving me a squish for reassurance , if anyone else saw me like this , soft or gentle I would murder them , in the orphanage I always have my walls up never giving anyone the opportunity to come closer to me or make friends , I didn't need more friends I already had one .
As we passed through the people in the park Alex picked someone , the one who looked the richest and 'accidentally' bumped into him , doing her oh so famous steal you wallet while you aren't looking act .
The kind man helped her making me frown ''How can people still fall for things like this'' I muttered under my breath catching Alex's attention .
"What ?"
"Nothing" I replied rather quickly , a voice in the back of my head kept telling me it was wrong to steal from someone's wallet , but another part of me said that if he made it so easy it was almost like he was asking for it .
"Gen you are pale , are you ok " Alex gentle touch in my forehead made me snap out of my wondering thoughts .
"Oh , yeah am perfectly fine , now let's go we are gonna miss the movie " I grabbed her arm dragging her worried ass to the movies .
But not before looking behind me , a voice kept whispering
''you can run but you can't hide , buttercup'' his velvety voice echoed in the walls of my mind , much like an annoyingly catchy song I couldn't get it out of my head .
I shuddered at the cold air
"Ok , I don't get it why would this Elsa girl freeze everyone " asked Alex confused her arms I intertwined with mine .
"Honestly I don't know , but what I do know is that I hate Frozen , pity it was the only movie we could watch " Alex laughed , but almost instantly stopped in her tracks as if she had seen something terrifying .
"Hey , pretty thing " a rough voice snapped me out of my wandering thoughts , a familiar voice , too familiar .
"What do you want , Ivan " Alex scowled , Ivan , Alex's ex boyfriend , he had been in numerous gangs over the years and being in the same place as him was undoubtedly dangerous .
He had maroon hair and onyx eyes , sharp features that screamed fear and way to much muscle .
"Why don't you come with me Alex " he grabbed her arm tightly trying to pull her with him .
"No " she screamed fright and anxious fear overwhelming her features .
"Let her go asshole " I grabbed my pocket knife once more , then thought twice before going off on someone in the middle of the street .
"What if I don't , Alisha this ain't none of your business back off " he hissed bringing Alex with him .
The same voice in my head warned
"Sugar , run and let me handle it " I shook my head and as if he could see me the voice completely stopped , I took my pocket knife in my right hand gripping it harder that my knuckles were turning white .
"Alex ,RUN " I shouted and charged at him with my knife in hand , he let Alex go instantly , Alex ran in front of the street , cars wouldn't stop honking , an specific car couldn't stop and ran over Alex as I plunged my knife in Ivan's arm , after that everything seemed frozen in time , colors were drained from the world around me and a velvety voice whispered in my ear .
"United at last , buttercup "

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