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Have you noticed , how somehow the worst type of crying is always the silent one . The one where everyone is asleep . The one where you feel it in your throat , and your eyes become blurry from the tears . The one where you just want to scream , the one where you have to hold hold your breath and grab your stomach to keep quite . The one where you can't breath anymore , the one where you realize the person that means the most to you is gone .
July 14 2003 , a little girl was born she was bound to have a normal live with loving parents , a little brother and her adoring aunt .
That little girl was supposed to live a normal life , a normal boring human life , but that's far from the truth , from what really happened .
July 14 2009 , that little girl full of life and hope was supposed to die in the car crash , with her aunt and mother , she was supposed to find peace in the afterlife . But thanks to a a certain angel the little girl cheat Death himself now she is stuck between two realms Life & Death . Now she can see what most humans can't , making her the most valuable human being in history follow her as she tries to escape her fate , her inevitable fate .

 Now she can see what most humans can't , making her the most valuable human being in history follow her as she tries to escape her fate , her inevitable fate

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"And she would bow to none "
                      -Genevieve Arch

"You haven't seen my bad side , yet "                        -Genevieve Arch

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"You haven't seen my bad side , yet "
                        -Genevieve Arch

"The world is against me , it wouldn't be fair otherwise "                         -Genevieve Arch

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"The world is against me , it wouldn't be fair otherwise "
                         -Genevieve Arch

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