Remember to never forget

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Austin pov

I was angry. No I was way past angry. She had no right to say that.

"DONT FUCKING EVER COME BACK!" I yelled as she ran away. I was fuming. I should have never let her stay with me she didn't deserve to, so I pulled out my phone and fumbled with it as I texted her that and a few other angry messages.

I stormed over to my car feeling proud to have made her cry and found my keys in my pocket.

I finally turned it on and sped away. Even thought I was drunk I knew exactly where I wanted to go.

20mins later I parked the car in front of a small townhouse. I knocked on the door of the last one. It opened revealing exactly who I wanted to see. " hey Austin finally decided to come pay me a visit?" She said smirking.

I took a step towards her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and crashed her lips to mine. As if it was a contraction she instantly kissed back. Our lips moved in sync and as she wrapped her legs around my waist. Still attached I closed the door behind us.

Hunters pov

Run. That's all I could think to do. I felt numb, cold, and confused. Why did he yell at me? I didn't do anything wrong.

I ran passed endless streets filled with big mansions. I felt like a little poor girl running through the rich part of town. Finally after what felt like an eternity of running I found myself surrounded by shops. Not wanting to make contact with someone I turned down a corner and saw a park that looked vaguely familiar. Have I been here before? It was dark but being summer time I could still see in front of me. I walked a little ways trying to avoid going deep into the foresty part. I came upon a building, as I got closer I realized it was the guys recording studio. Even when I'm trying to run away from them their still something around that reminds me of them. I walked back a little the way I came then sat down leaning against a tree. I suddenly burst into tears. It felt like rivers streaming out of my eyes. I let out all the tears, not just from my fight with Austin, but for Alan because I miss him, for not being strong enough to stand up for myself against Stephanie, for being extra weight on the guys, and for not knowing who I really am. I was sitting here crying my eyes out in the place where this all started, the day I met Austin.

Austin's pov

The sunlight beamed down on my face. I could feel it and see it even thought my eyes weren't even open yet. I slowly opened them to find myself lying in bed with no clothes on, only this wasn't my bed. I sat up quickly but fell back from the pure pain my head was in and I could feel it pounding. I darted my eyes around the room trying to find out where the hell I am. I looked to my left to see someone sleeping soundly. GIELLE? What the fuck was she doing here?

Flashes of last night came flooding back to me. Drinking, smashing a bottle, hunter running away from me. Ask me why that all happened I would be as confused as you. Now I'm here, hung over and realizing I just had sex with my ex-wife.

I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. But it was real. My nightmare had come true, she has come back.

I got up and wobbled around grabbing my clothes that were thrown everywhere. I had finally found everything except for my shirt. I went out into the hall but I couldnt find it. I held my head in pain. Tylenol. I need Tylenol. I basically fell into the bathroom and threw around everything till I found some. I popped it open and downed two dry. I put the bottle in my pocket then got up to look for my shirt. "Looking for this?' I turned to see Geille standing there in a robe holding my shirt. She walked up to me until there was only an inch between us. She traced lines across my chest with her finger. I didn't know what to say. I was scared, not just because I was here, but because I wasn't pushing her away. I leaned in and kissed her. Then I grabbed my shirt out of her hands and walked out of the building. I dug into my pocket, found my keys and opened the door. I sat at the driver's seat and pulled out my phone checking the time. 3:30 pm. I hit my head on the top of the steering wheel. What have I done?

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