chapter 2

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i got out of my dad's car and stuffed my hands into the pockets the school uniform's skirt had. as i walked in, i immediately felt everyone staring at me. what, was there something wrong with my hair? or was i supposed to tie it up instead of letting it down? i quickened my pace trying to find my classroom. my dad had already bought all my textbooks and got my timetable for me as he was friends with the school principal.

i accidentally bumped into a girl who had tons of layers of makeup on her face. i assumed the girls behind her were her friends. i apologised and was about to continue my way when she grabbed my shoulder and jerked me back in front of her.

"yah, do you think you can get off with that insincere apology? say it louder!" great. i was going to get in trouble with some b*tches. i controlled myself not to roll my eyes while i looked at the girl straight in the eyes and apologised to her.

when our eyes met, a "wait-i-have-never-seen-you-before" look flickered in her eyes. "woah girls, we have a new student here!" she then proceeded to kick me which caught me by surprise and i fell to the ground.

"let me get this straight, in this school no one disobeys jung yerin! and what i absolutely hate is people bumping into me! i do not want your disgusting sh*t dirtying my uniform!"

as the girl student who appeared to be the school's 'queen bee' continued ridiculing me, i felt a raging feeling in my heart, about to slap her. just as i was about to fight back for myself, i heard a deep voice resonate throughout the whole hallway, yelling "STOP!"

i looked up to see whose voice it belonged to, expecting it to be the discipline master or a teacher. a pair of beautiful dark brown eyes met mine. "i-i'm sorry, t-taehyung-oppa!" the female student bowed profusely and her cheeks were burning red. she immediately went to somewhere else with her gang. the crowd that gathered when the girls ridiculed me started to whisper among themselves among this "taehyung" guy's appearance and i could vaguely make out some "what's this? taehyung never gave a second glance to girls, let alone help them!" wow, what a mean guy, i thought to myself.

"what are you people looking at? lessons are going to start soon, head to your classes!" the crowd soon dissipated and i was left sitting on the ground with that guy, who was squatting down. i found my eyes roaming across his face, hair and legs. his hair was dyed orange and slicked to one side stylishly. he was so much hotter than the bunch of guys that kept tailing me back in new zealand. just then, he smiled at me and opened his mouth to speak.

"you must be the new student. jennie, huh? my name's kim taehyung."

well, since he's talking to me, might as well ask him to help me.

"uhh, thank you taehyung... can you help me find my classroom? i don't want to be late for my first day in a new school." having said that, i told him my classroom which was 1-1. i saw his eyes light up upon hearing those two numbers and he patted my shoulder. "follow me!"

after some twists and turns, he pointed to a hanging sign that said "1-1". at that moment, a teacher from the opposite direction started walking towards the classroom. "shit, it's mdm park, hurry up! she doesn't like latecomers!"

just as mdm park, who was wearing a floral print dress and had curly hair, reached the front door, a panting taehyung & i were also there. she eyed us and glared at taehyung, shaking her head. she then told him to enter first before asking me to stay outside until she calls me in.

"class, we have a new student from today onwards. you may enter!" this was my cue to enter. i tried to look as confident as possible before i stood at the front of the classroom introducing myself. "nice to meet you everyone, i am jennie kim. i hope that we can be friends and take care of me! thank you."

mdm park then asked me to sit beside this guy named kim seokjin, who waved at me. when i sat down, he quickly introduced himself saying i could call him jin. i turned around and saw taehyung was directly behind me with his deskmate named jeon jungkook.

soon, the lesson ended and it was lunch time. since taehyung was the only person that i talked to, excluding the bitches just now, i asked if i could sit with him. he seemed to be taken aback by my direct request but flashed a boxy smile at me saying "sure! anyways jinnie has a female cousin the same grade as us, you could be friends with her!"

i smiled to myself and thought, maybe life won't be as bad as i thought.


sorry for bad grammar if any

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