"Stalker and Coffee?" Chapter 2

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Latter the week every time I step out of my apartment Vanoss is there. Today I walk out my apartment to go to the Cafe across the way.
I could hear his footsteps behind me as I get little angry. I turn to look at him as he looks at me. I can't stop my laughter!! His face was priceless.

"What?" He said confused.

"In stead of being my stalker, you could just ask if you wanted to come." I said smiling.

"Oh, Well I had a question for you anyway." He said scratching the back of his head.

"What would that be?" I questioned.

"Would you like to come over to my apartment tonight and play video games with me and the crew?"

"I will think about it." I said continuing with my walk to get some coffee. As I continue to walk, Vanoss was still behind me, "stalker." I said under my breath.

"What was that?" He said still following me.

"Ohh nothing.." I laughed a bit.
We finally arrived and walked in. They weren't really busy today, but that's alright. I went to the front where I looked at the menu.

"Um... Can I have one Coffee with cream. Please." I said awkwardly standing around.

"Yes and for you sir?" I the lady asked.

"Oh we're-" I was cut off.

"I will have an ice coffee with a dubbed shot." He said taking the money out of his wallet for mine and his both. He payed for and then we sat down together. We didn't have much to talk about so I pulled out my art notebook and drew Vanoss as his GTA character sitting in this cafe and drinking his ice coffee.

"Nice picture, Vanoss is this your girlfriend?" A man with a strange accent said behind me..
I turned around to see a man with slightly curly hair and glasses.

"What no!! She's just a friend!" Vanoss said with a fair blush on his face.

"Suurree." He said sitting down next to me.

"Vanoss who is he?"

"Thi-" he was cut off.

"I'm Craig or you can call me MiniLadd!" He said smiling.

"Well it was nice meeting you. But I have places to be so all be going." I said getting up. Vanoss had a sad look on his face as I left the shop back to my apartment were I would wait until later tonight.

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