"Twitch Panel?" Chapter 14

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I get on my computer and look at my Emails. 'Twitch..'

Dear Miss. (Y/n),
We would like to invite you to a panel with for course of Vanoss and some of his crew. Please respond within the next week! Thanks!
From Twitch.
I push my chair away from my desk and spin around in it before taking my phone and texting Evan.

(Y/n): Hey.

Evan:what's up?

(Y/n): I got a email from twitch and they were wondering if we.. and some of the guys can go to a twitch panel.

Evan: yeah we can go.

(Y/n):who else?

Evan: miniladd, lui, panda (which you haven't met), wildcat, and Terrorizer? Maybe?

(Y/n): kk.
I put my phone down type on my computer.

We will be able to make it. We will need about 5 chairs. And if the room you are giving us is big we would like as much as chairs for fans as possible.
From (Y/n).
I hit send on my computer and push away from my desk once more. It's been a long week and I have been really tired recently.
I change into my bed time close and walk into my bedroom. This reoccurrence of this nightmare has been going through my head all week. Just falling into something unknown. I try and lay on my bed, but I can't close my stupid eyes.
I get up from bed and walk out of my apartment, next door and knock.

"Yea- (Y/n)?" Evan looks down at me.

"Can I stay the night.?"

"Can't sleep?"

"No." He hand signaled me into his apparent and me and him both go into his bedroom. We goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth as I lay on his bed waiting for that embrace. He finally comes out and places his strong arms on my back and cradles me.

"I love you (Y/n)."

"Sorry it's been a minute.."

"Damn right Cayden!!"

"Shut up delirious!- well okay, I'm sorry that I didn't upload Monday when I was going to, but hell- I mean school has been on my fucking back!"


"Oh sorry I didn't mean for that to sound mean I have just been busy. I hope you liked this chapter anyways. It not might be as good as others because I rushed through.. but I tried and thanks!" : )

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