Chapter 14

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We had returned home Donn wrapping an arm around my waist claiming he was too frightened I would be taken away from him once again.

I didn't mind, his warm touch had kept me warm on our way home. Once the house came I to view I raced to the door Donn let out a little gasp as he zoomed after me. I swung the door open and raced to the kitchen where I tore open the cabinet and pulled out a blue box.

"What are you doing?" Donn laughed as I roughly pulled out two packages of hot fudge happiness.

"I deserve these! I didn't think I would be getting another one ever again after today!" I said, tearing open the aluminum and popping the poptarts into the toaster.

Donn came up from behind me and wrapped his arms around me kissing my neck. "You didn't think I could save you?" He asked.

"Of course! I knew you could save me." I smiled but it soon dropped. "I was just terrified that I was going to fall off that bird!" Donn chuckled.

"I'd never let that happen." He said and kissed up and down my neck again. I smiled and gasped as the toaster popped making the poptarts shoot up. I bent over slightly grabbing the poptarts out of the toaster. When I turned around I stuffed it into Donn's mouth.

We both gave a little laugh and he grabbed the poptart taking a bite out of it. "Not bad." He smiled approvingly.

"Of course! That's why I eat them." I looked around and sighed. "Of course, I should probably get started on an actual lunch..." I began to look through the cabinets taking occasional bites from my three remaining poptarts.

I was able to find mac & cheese. Knowing it was my best choice I grabbed it out if the cabinet and placed it onto the counter. "You wanna learn to cook" I turned to look at Donn. His eyes widened and I laughed at the shocked look on his face. "Or do you know how to?" I smiled.

He blinked and smiled at me. "Well I don't know but I'm sure I have a great teacher right in front of me. Is this like some royal kind of food or something?" He picked up the box of mac & cheese and then at the other ingredients.

"It's the most spectacular food you will ever taste! Better then any other food! It's the greatest!" I explained. Donn's eyes were wide with worry knowing he was going to learn how to make it. "I'm kidding done." I laughed. "Mac & cheese is the easiest food to cook."

He gave a sigh of relief. "I thought I was gonna have to learn how to cook some kind of fancy restaurant kind of food..." He said.

"Now, let's get started shall we?" I smiled. "First things first! There's always directions," I showed him the directions on the side of box. "So you can always follow those too."

I taught Donn how to cook mac & cheese and it got pretty messy but that was ok. I could easily clean everything up after. Finally the mac & cheese was done.

I grabbed two bowls and heard the wooden spoon drop against the pot. I looked over to see Donn jump back. "Hot!" He exclaimed. I began to laugh as I brought the bowls over.

"Of course it is silly, it just got done cooking!" I handed him a bowl before taking the spoon and scooping up some of the delicious, cheesy meal into the bowl. I then grabbed a spoon and watched as Donn carefully copied my moves. I then walked over to the little island counter and sat down on one of the stools. Donn came over and sat down next to me.

I grabbed the spoon and began to eat the mac & cheese. I had a special way of eating hot foods. I chewed with my mouth closed but I put the food somewhat in the back of my mouth so it wasn't so hot. I almost felt like a dog when I was eating...except for the fact that I chewed like a normal human being with my mouth closed.

Donn was very hesitant before he placed the spoon close to his mouth. "It's still hot... How do you eat it?" He asked sensing the heat on his lips. I gave a little laugh after swallowing the food.

"I just have my own strategy but some people also wait for it to cool down. You could also put it in the back of your mouth though." I told him with a smile. He blinked looking back down at the food before he put the spoon in his mouth placing the food in the back of his mouth.

He stared at me not knowing what to do next. "Chew." I gave a little giggle. He gave me a questioning look before he began to chew with his mouth open. I watched as a cheesy mess began to spread and smash around in his mouth. I laughed and waved my hands out in front of him signaling for him to stop, turning my head.

"No, no, no!" I laughed. He froze blinking as he looked in confusion. "With your mouth closed, like this." I put some mac & cheese in my mouth and began to chew with my mouth closed. I then swallowed. "Then you swallow." I smiled.

Donn chewed with his mouth closed and then swallowed. "Oh ok." He smiled. I gave a little laugh.

"Did you like it?" I asked with a smile. He nodded.

"It was really good." He smiled. "You're a great cook."

"Well I'm not the only one who made it." I smirked. "You're a very good cook too." I told him. We both turned back to our bowls about to take another bite.

All of a sudden I felt something wet and cold pour onto my head and then down my body. I gasped out at the freezing temperature and spun around to find Danny laughing his ass off. Donn was also wet with cold water poured on his head.

"That's for the little 'candy man' prank thing you pulled on me!" He laughed before racing off. Me and Donn glanced at eachother before I raced behind the counter and grabbed the mac & cheese pot from the stove.

Danny's got a food fight coming for him now!
Q:Do you think Danny's little prank was good?

Ok guys I finally did it! Finally! I mean, I never thought I could but here I am doing it right now! YASSSSSSSSSSSSS! I UPDATED ON THE PROPER DAY!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT LATE XD you guys happy? Cuz I sure am ;)

Welp, anyway MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! not yet but it's coming up ;) So, over the new year, I'm going to Green Bay for Christmas with my family and I don't know if I'll be able to update then but I'll still try. I just don't get to see them that often since my family is like scattered around the United States. I legit have them in like North Dakota and Texas even Louisiana! And the ones in Wisconsin are like 5 hours away... so yeah but anyway, I'll try to update but no promises. Plus my cousins also sometimes read my books so they might be reading instead of me writing XD

So hope you guys have a fun Christmas and new years! I'll be up on the sheep farm! I love it there ;) Bye!!!!




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